Chapter 40

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Naruto sat on the couch now bored and hungry. He went to the kitchen and made some instant ramen and as he ate, he thought about how he was going to be married tomorrow. He finished his food and walked over to the scythe he bought. He picked it up and waved it around, then he saw his apartment dissipate around him. There was dark clouds all around him and he looked up to see a dark shadow wearing a hood. Naruto couldn't see it's face then the shadow figure spoke and said" Time to prove your worth." Naruto looked confused and the dark figure charged him. Naruto dodged out of the way and the fox yelled in his mind" You can't win with no time to get into your sage mode. I'm going to give you a power. All you have to do is yell fox fire and hold your hand and aim at him." Naruto was so confused by all that was happening that he just decided to listen to the fox. He saw the dark figure about to charge him again and Naruto held out his hand and yelled" Fox fire!" A white flame shot out of his hand and hit the dark figure. Naruto watched as he was burning in the flame.

The dark figure was soon gone, not even ash remained. A glowing ball soon came over and landed in Naruto's hand. It turned into a scythe and Naruto heard a voice that said" You are worthy to carry me around. I am now connected to you, so even if I'm not around, You may call upon me and I will be there. You don't need to train to use me, You will already have knowledge on how to use me." Naruto then felt a wave of power go through him. The dark area around him slowly turned back to his apartment. Naruto was in a daze with so many thoughts going through his mind. He then was inside his mind in front of the fox. The nine tails said" This was sudden, but you gained something very powerful." Naruto wasn't sure what to ask first so he just asked" What was the power you gave me?" The fox smiled and said" It's my most powerful chakra, fox fire. It can burn through anything, but also heal as well." Naruto then yelled out" Why the hell wouldn't you let me have that power before?" The fox then said" I never wanted to share that power with you in the past because of my hatred towards you."

Naruto calmed down and asked" Okay, so how does it work?" The nine tails said" Like it did before, just yell it out and aim your hand at your target. To heal you must touch the person but have no malice in it. Now let's talk about your new weapon." Naruto looked down and said" I still don't know about using it. The fox's face got really serious and said" Naruto, you having this scythe will make you powerful beyond what you can imagine. Think about all your skills and how you what to become hokage. With this weapon, it completes all you need to protect everyone around you. And I only have a sample of knowledge of it's power. It chose you and now you have another asset to becoming the greatest ninja of all time. I know you are a great ninja without it Naruto, but this will complete you overall as a ninja." Naruto looked at the weapon and decided the fox was right, and he could use it. Naruto said" Okay Karuma, I will let this weapon help me. But I need to ask you something. Do you think I should be getting married?" The fox laughed and Naruto made a face and the nine tails said" Sorry pup, it's just with all that happened you bring up that. You humans have this marriage thing to show your dedication to the one person you love. We both know that you love her and she loves you so it seems okay to me."

Naruto looked to the side and said" I do love her and know she loves me, it's just I don't know." The fox then said" You are feeling like your being trapped. Like it's gonna change ether yourself or your relationship." Naruto nodded and the fox continued" Let me ask you pup, what would you do if Hinata married someone else?" Naruto yelled" I wouldn't let that happen!" The fox laughed and said" From what I gathered from you humans, getting married is a big part of growing up. But from what I hear if the two people love each other, then it shouldn't matter on how young you are. Also from what I've heard this wedding deal means so much more to the women then the men. Wouldn't you do anything to make her happy?" Naruto nodded and the fox said" Then that's all you need. I know your nervous pup, but just think of how happy she's made you. All the times she held you when you were crying in your sleep. The fact she was willing to give her life to save you." Naruto's head was down and said" Your right, I could never repay her for how happy she's made me. The hole she filled in my heart is worth more then my life. Your right, I will do anything to make her happy and I do want her to be my wife forever."

Naruto left his mind and felt really tired and noticed it was was almost midnight. He didn't think he was lost in his mind that long, but a lot did happen. He got undressed and got into bed and he laid down thinking about how tomorrow he was going to be married but he thought about what the fox said and knew he really would do anything Hinata. Hinata was in bed wide awake still trying to grasp on reality. She was about to marry the person she loved ever since she was kid. She was worried about him being pressured into marrying him. She thought maybe it was too soon, but they didn't have much of a choice. He seemed to be okay with it, but that might be a show to make her happy. She took a deep breathe and decided her pondering it wouldn't help. She grabbed a pillow and held on to it missing Naruto next to her and finally went to sleep.

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