Chapter 22

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Naruto, Hinata and Chojuro all were walking and Naruto kept asking Chojuro questions about the village, the Mizukage and all sorts of things. Chojuro answered the best he could while being short on his answers being as shy as he was. Hinata felt bad knowing he was the same as her, but Naruto was also just being himself. Soon they reached the village the map showed them. They opened the file the Mizukage gave them and saw the picture of the man they were after. He was 6'5 and 275 lbs, with long brown hair, and what looked like a dark shade of green for eyes. Naruto then said" Well I guess we better look around for this guy." Chojuro nodded and Hinata said" We should take off our head bands or he's gonna know who we are right away." The other two nodded and all three took off their headbands. They walked around and Chojuro said" We should also wait for him to be at a distance to the village, so nobody gets hurt." Hinata said" good idea." Naruto glared at Chojuro which made him cringe.

Hinata saw and said" Naruto, be nice, he's just trying to help." Naruto was about to argue, but nodded his head knowing Hinata was right. They walked around with Hinata holding the photo and soon found the man they were looking for. He was walking out of a bar and had a very cold look in his eyes. They looked on as he started walking, and they followed him all the way to the edge of the village. He then started walking east into a forest, and Hinata said" Okay, now we can attack him with nobody getting hurt. Naruto and Chojuro nodded as they started running after him. Hinata activated her byakugan and she noticed that he stopped and she signaled for them to stop. The rouge ninja smiled and yelled out" I thought I was being followed, I will give you ninjas a chance to leave without getting hurt."

Hinata then whispered" Remember to not look in his eyes." The group nodded and surrounded the hidden mist ninja. He smiled and said" I guess you three are determined to die. You will know the fear that I, Makate will inflict upon you." Chojuro unwrapped his sword and charged him careful not looking into his eyes. Makate was dodging until Naruto came from behind and yelled" Rasengan!" Makate jumped out from the side and Naruto almost hit Chojuro. The man jumped to a tree and said" It seems you kids have some skill, but I am far beyond what you guys are capable of." Naruto shifted and said" Chojuro, hold him off for a minute so I can change forms." Chojuro was confused but nodded and charged the man again with his sword.

As Chojuro was swinging at Makate, he noticed he seem to being using wind to help him dodge. Chojuro yelled out" He's a wind user as well!" Hinata knew she needed to keep her distance and help Naruto and Chojuro from a distance. This enemy had to many things to counter her byakugan, so she just guided from a far. Soon Naruto came back and was able to kick the mist ninja in his side and he went flying through a few trees. Naruto made sure not to look into his eyes, but focus on his mid body. The man slowly got up and smiled" I wasn't expecting that, but don't get cocky you little shits." He then put his hands together and made some signs and yelled" Wind of a million cuts!" Soon air was whipping around Naruto and Chojuro and starting cutting them. They weren't big cuts, but still enough to leave marks, then the wind picked up and the cuts were becoming deeper. Hinata began to panic and she saw so much chakra surrounding Naruto and Chojuro.

Chojuro smiled knowing he actually could help in this matter. His sword glowed and he swung it and the wind was gone. Makate was surprised and said" Damn you!" Naruto made two shadow clones and made his rasengan shuriken and threw it at Makate. The man smiled and made a quick hand sign and said" Wind absorber!" His hand then sucked in Naruto's attack. Naruto was shocked and knew his sage mode was almost gone, and his shuriken didn't do much so he charged Makate and starting fighting him. Naruto heard Chojuro say he was a wind user and he saw the man was using chakra when he dodged but Naruto knew he was faster then what he could dodge. Naruto kept swinging and finally saw an opening and was able to kick him in the head. When he kicked the man went flying a good three hundred yards away and wasn't moving.

Naruto felt his sage mode leave him and he walked over to the man thinking he was at least knocked out. As he got closer he rolled the man over and that's when Makate open his eyes and looked right at Naruto. Naruto jumped back and the man got to his feet and smiled. Naruto looked over at Chojuro who seemed ready to fight and then he looked at Hinata who walked over to Naruto. She then said" I have you right where I want you Naruto." She then hit Naruto with her gentle fist and he fell coughing up blood. She smiled and said" How does that feel demon? I hate you, I always have, I just tricked you into thinking I loved you." Naruto looked up and saw that look he saw all his life, and that was hate. She continued" You will always be a monster and will always be alone." Naruto couldn't think straight and felt lost and couldn't even bring himself to cry as much as he wanted to.

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