Chapter 24

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As they walked Hinata collapsed and Naruto got beside her and asked" Hinata, what's wrong?" Her breathing was hard and she said" My last attack just took a lot out of me." Naruto turned and put his arms around his back and said" Here climb on, the least I can do is carry you." She didn't want to be a burden, but his look was so inviting that she couldn't say no. She climbed on and they all started walking until Chojuro dropped the man he was carrying and said" I need a break, this guy is huge." They stopped and Naruto gently put Hinata down and said" I have an easier way to get him back to the village." Naruto then waved some hand signs and summoned a frog. The frog wasn't very big and Naruto said" Please take this body and hold onto it for us please, I'll summon you later when we need it." The frog nodded and opened it's mouth and swallowed the man whole.

Chojuro then yelled" What did you do that for? We need to bring the body back, not have it eaten by a frog." Naruto shot back" He's just holding on to it until we reach the village, he didn't eat it you idiot!" Chojuro then said" sorry, I saw that and was worried that the Mizukage would be mad. I just don't want her to be disappointed in me." Naruto walked over to him and smiled" why is that? Do you have a crush on her." Chojuro turned red and shot back" I don't! I just, um want for her to be um proud of me." Naruto wanted to poke more fun at him but he saw Hinata get up and she said" Naruto, leave Chojuro alone." Naruto rubbed the back of his head and said" I guess I got carried away." Naruto offered his back again and Hinata said" I'm okay now Naruto." He then offered his hand and she gladly took it and they headed back to village.

When they got back to the village, it was dark out and most everyone was asleep. Chojuro then said" I'm sure the Mizukage is asleep by now, so we can report to her tomorrow morning. We can debrief her tomorrow, I'll meet you guys here around nine in the morning. Naruto and Hinata nodded and started off to their apartment. When they got there, Naruto ran to the kitchen and sighed as they didn't go shopping yet and he was hungry. He then walk up to Hinata and said" I need to make quick stop at the store, wanna come?" She yawned and said" I think I'll pass, I'm really tired." He smiled and said" Okay, I won't be long and he ran out the door. She smiled at how much energy he always had. She changed and got into bed and was so tired she didn't even care about taking a shower and went to sleep.

Naruto looked around, all the main shops were closed but he finally found one that was open and he walked in and the clerk smiled and said" Out late tonight I see, something I can help you find?" Naruto smiled and said" I'm just looking for some food for now." The clerk smiled and nodded Naruto looked around, and found some instant ramen and decided to grab stuff for breakfast and found some cinnamon rolls and thought that might be good. He then walked passed some popsicles and he felt sad, because Jiraiya came to mind. He still missed him, he was the closest thing he had to dad besides Iruka. He grabbed a box and checked out of the store and started home. As he walked he decided to eat a popsicle and as he walked, he thought what Jiraiya would think about Hinata. He would tell Naruto how lucky he was and he should do this and that to her. Naruto smiled and thought" Man that pervy sage would be telling to do all sorts of things to her." Naruto felt a tear slide down his cheek and realized he would always miss him, no matter how much of a perv he was.

Naruto got home and put the stuff he bought away and made him some ramen, he ate and decided to head to bed. He was feeling a little down thinking about Jiraiya, but then he saw Hinata sleeping. His heart warmed, feeling the love she shared with him while he was lost in his mind. He got undressed and was in his boxers and crawled next to her . He grabbed the clock on the night stand and set it for eight am and put the clock back. He looked at Hinata as she breathed and when he was next to her, she put her arms around him and started to cry. She was saying" I don't hate you Naruto." Naruto wrapped his arms around her and whispered" I know Hinata, we love each other." She stopped crying and smiled and Naruto closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Naruto shot his eyes opened and saw the clock, it read a little after seven. He noticed Hinata was clinging onto him and he smiled. He slowly unwrapped her and got up. He went to the kitchen and got out the cinnamon rolls and put them in the oven. Hinata heard the alarm go off and she shot up and noticed Naruto wasn't by her. She was worried because Naruto usually slept longer then her and she then smelt something sweet and she walked to the kitchen and saw Naruto in his boxers with some oven mitts on. She walked over to him and hugged him and said" Your not supposed to be up before me." He hugged back and said" Yeah I usually hate mornings, but I woke up fully awake and decided to make breakfast." She smiled and saw the cinnamon rolls on the counter and said" They smell wonderful." They both sat down and started to eat, excited to see what the day had in store for each of them.

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