Chapter 47

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Naruto made a fire and Hinata sat down beside him. She saw he was deep in thought just looking at the fire. She said softly" Naruto, you okay?" He kept looking at the fire and said" Sasuke said he wanted to destroy the leaf village. He also said he killed his brother. I don't understand, just like he said." Hinata felt sad and said" Naruto, you have done everything you can to try and save him from himself. The rest, he has to find for himself." Naruto stared in the fire and said" It's not fair Hinata, so many people I've met have had so much to deal with. Why is life so hard for everyone?" He put a hand on his face and Hinata felt her heart breaking seeing Naruto like this. He was her rock in being strong, but even the strongest have their moments. She then said" Naruto, life is hard, but we find things that give us strength. It's what keeps us going, like I found you and you make me feel like I can do anything. I even talked back to my father, which I never thought I would be able to do. But because you were there to back me up, I was able to break his control on me." Hinata rested her head on his shoulder and said" Please Naruto, don't lose faith, I need you to be you, or I myself will be lost." Naruto put his arm around her and said" Your right Hinata, I can't let this break me, I will find a way to push forward and Sasuke will find his way back to being my second best friend." Hinata looked at him funny and he said" Of course your my first, even if now your my wife.

Naruto then held on to the scythe and called out to it. Soon the dark figured appeared and Naruto said" We are gonna need some cover and protection tonight." The dark figure then vanished and Naruto was confused, but then he now knew a jutsu to use and did a hand sign and said" Bone structure jutsu." Soon a house appeared in front of them made of bone and Hinata turned to Naruto" How did you do that?" Naruto shook his head and said" I don't know, I just somehow knew, this scythe's spirit can somehow teach me things instantly." Naruto then did another hand sign and said" Five golem summoning." Hinata gasped seeing things appear, they all were creature looking things made out wind, water, fire, lighting and earth. Naruto put his arm around her and said" It's okay, there're gonna watch out for us." Hinata nodded and Naruto grabbed Sasuke and they both headed in the bone house. Naruto put Sasuke down in a room and Laid down by Hinata and said" Here, you can lay your head down on my stomach, it will be better then it being on the ground." She nodded and laid her head down and Naruto said" Sorry our honeymoon ended this way." Hinata pulled her head up to Naruto and smiled" Our honeymoon was amazing, I'm actually happy you found Sasuke, I know bringing him home is important to you. Even if what he said was true, just remember you have a way to reach people and he will become your friend again."

Naruto hugged her and said" I can't believe how lucky I am to have you Hinata, I love you so much. Hinata said" I love you too." They both soon fell asleep. Naruto saw Sasuke and he was killing people, Naruto ran to him but Sasuke was too fast and ran ahead stabbing people with his sword. Naruto was yelling for him to stop, but Sasuke just kept killing. Naruto stopped when Sasuke had someone in his grasp, Hinata. Naruto begged" Sasuke please no, don't do this." Sasuke's eyes were dark and and cold and he smiled and took his sword and jabbed it into Hinata's chest. Naruto shot up and yelled out Hinata's name. She sat up and said" What's wrong?" Naruto grabbed Hinata and hugged her and started crying. She hugged him back and asked" What's wrong honey?" He held onto her tightly and as he cried said" I just had a dream of losing you, I just can't let that happen. I love you too much Hinata." She rubbed his back and whispered" I'm here and won't go anywhere, I promise." He calmed down and said" Sorry, that dream was just really bad." She nodded and they both got up and walked outside. The five golems were still outside and Naruto put his hands together and released them.

Naruto went back inside and grabbed Sasuke and brought him outside and set him down and said" It's still gonna take us a few days to get back to the leaf village, but I have an idea." Naruto then did some hand signs and summoned a huge frog. The huge frog said" Naruto this better be good, I was having the best nap of my life." Naruto smiled and said" It's good to see you too Gamabunta, anyway I need you to get us back to the leaf village quickly." The big frog took a puff from his pipe and said" I guess I can, hurry and get on." Naruto picked up Sasuke and took Hinata's hand as they got on the big frog's back near his neck and Naruto said"Just head west, Hinata use chakra on your feet to stay on." Hinata nodded and the frog jumped and started off to the leaf village. After about twenty minutes, they got to the front gate of the leaf village and Naruto and Hinata got off. Naruto said" Thanks Gamabunta." The giant frog then asked" Who's this girl with you?" Naruto smiled and said" This is my wife Hinata." The giant frog got wide eyed and said" I'm so sorry young lady for picking this one." Naruto glared at the frog and said" I think your done here." Gamabunta laughed and said" Yeah, I'm done, see you later Naruto." He then vanished in a puff of smoke. Naruto walked to the front gate and was greeted by Izumo and he jumped up and said" Naruto, your back, glad to see you I....." He stopped and saw who Naruto was carrying and asked" Is that who I think it is?" Naruto nodded and Izumo said" You better take him to the Hokage right away."

Naruto nodded and Hinata and him started off to where the hokage was. Naruto and Hinata have only been gone for a couple weeks and there was so much improvement on the village. People saw Naruto and people were waving at him, and calling him a hero. Naruto smiled and a tear escaped his eye, knowing this is what he wanted. He just wanted people to recognize him, but he has it better as people see him as a hero. They kept walking to where Tsunade had her area set up. It was now a building that Naruto assumed Yamato built for her. They walked in and saw Shizune standing by Tsunade. Tsunade looked up and she asked" Naruto, what are you doing here?" She then saw who he was carrying and her mouth dropped and she asked" How did you?" Naruto said" He attacked us while we were on our honey moon. Tsunade took a deep breath and said" I hope you know that he will be locked up and interrogated." Naruto nodded and said" That's fine, but if you want him to wake up, I request to talk to him first." Tsunade glared at Naruto and said" I can't allow that Naruto." Naruto glared right back and said" I'm the only one who can wake him up, so if you can't agree, then he will stay like this forever." Tsuande was a little taken back by Naruto talking back to her like that. She took a deep breath and said" Fine, but we need him locked up in a cell with special sealing powers. And I think Kakashi should be the one to set it up, Shizune, please have Kakashi come here immediately." Shizune nodded and left the room.

  Tsuande then asked" What did the Mizukage say about this?" Naruto sighed and said" We came straight here after our honeymoon, so she doesn't know." Tsuande then yelled" Naruto you idiot, she could think you guys are missing or dead." Naruto looked down and said" Sorry, I just wanted to bring Sasuke back as soon as possible." Tsunade sighed and said" It's fine, I'll send her a message to let her know where you two are." Naruto nodded and the front door opened with Kakashi walking in hands in his pockets and said" Yo, Naruto I heard I needed to see...." He then saw Sasuke and his face changed and Tsuande said" I need you to take Sasuke to the sealing prison, and Naruto then will wake him, and may talk to him." Kakashi was still in shock seeing his student who betrayed everyone. Tsuande then said" Kakashi, I need you for this." Kakashi snapped out of his trance and said" I understand." He then said" Follow me Naruto, I'll take you to where we can keep him. Naruto nodded and they walked out the building. Hinata followed after them but Tsunade called out to her" Hinata, it's best for just them to go. But since I have you here, how's everything going?"

Hinata smiled and said" It's going wonderful, Naruto has been amazing, even with Sasuke showing up. I'm so happy we're married and I know he's just as happy." Tsuande smiled and said" I'm glad, I really feel you two belong together. Sorry this happened while you guys were on your honeymoon." Hinata shook her head and said" It's fine, I know this has been Naruto's priority for years now and I'm glad he was able to bring him home, just like he said." Tsuande smiled and said" Why don't you go see your father, I'm sure he would love to see you." Hinata smiled and nodded and head off to see her father.

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