Force Fed

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The next couple weeks were spent in similar ways. They all would hang out and do nothing together.

Bradyn continued to steal glances at Courtney but she only caught him a couple times. At this point she was used to it and didn't really pay any mind to it anymore. She knows she gained a lot of weight over the summer and he probably just hadn't gotten over the shock of it yet. Everyone else seemed to though. None of the other guys looked at her the way Bradyn did. They all got used to her bigger figure pretty quickly and none of them asked questions. They even seemed to be more mindful of her larger appetite and would offer to get her food if they were already in a drive-through somewhere or would pass her things they couldn't finish eating like candy, halves of sandwiches, or even milkshakes.

They all made her feel really comfortable and she didn't feel self conscious or like she had to hide her body anymore. She slowly started shifting from baggy hoodies to t shirts paired with leggings or jeans.

She noticed that Bradyn had started to make more of an effort to talk to her. It was only small talk but they never used to talk at all so even small talk was a big step. She found him really attractive and it made her really nervous. He was quiet but also a really intense person at the same time. That mixed with the amount staring she would catch him doing made it hard for her to feel completely comfortable around him.

She was always under the impression that he stared at her because he was disgusted by her until this one afternoon. They were all hanging out at someone's house and she ended up standing in the kitchen with Bradyn. There weren't a whole lot of people around as some of the guys were playing COD in the other room and others were lounging around the house on their phones.

The two of them were standing on the sink side of the granite countertop. Courtney was leaning up against the low island counter on her elbows, trying to hide some of her stomach and Bradyn stood on the opposite side leaning his butt against the counter scrolling through his phone. She didn't really know his reason for being in the kitchen but she was casually working away at some cake and a box of donut holes. She knew he was watching so she made an effort not to devour everything in sight. She didn't want him thinking she was a pig.

It was hard. She barely had enough self control but she left half of the confetti cake untouched and left one donut hole in the small cardboard box. She distracted herself by scrolling through her phone aimlessly, hoping Bradyn would get bored and go join the boys in the other room which would leave her and the cake in peace.

A few minutes went by and he finally moved. Courtney watched in her peripheral vision as Bradyn pushed himself away from the counter and walked across the kitchen. She thought he was leaving but he reached over and grabbed a couple stray napkins. He walked over to the trash and then came back to gather forks and knives lying out on the counter. She observed as he made trips back and forth to the sink and trash bin, cleaning up the kitchen.

'Bradyn, just leave!' she willed with her mind. She stared at the cake in front of her, almost drooling over it. She broke free from the trance when Bradyn asked her a question.

"What?" She didn't hear him clearly the first time.

"Can you eat this please?" Bradyn held out the box with the donut hole in it. He had picked the box up wanting to throw it out before noticing there was still something left inside.

"I'm not hungry, you can have it." She responds passively.

"Court, it's literally just one." He tries again, knowing full well that she's lying about not being hungry. She's always hungry and he knows it. Even when she isn't hungry she still eats. She's always eating food the other guys offer to her so why isn't she eating this?

The way he called her 'Court' so casually catches her off guard, "Then you eat it." She looks up at the clear dissatisfaction on his face, "Or just throw it away." Courtney turns her attention back to her phone, ignoring him. He walks out of her vision and she thinks that he's gone over to the trash can but he stops on the other side of her without her knowing.

Bradyn reaches into the box and grabs the jelly filled donut hole in one hand. With his other, he reaches around Courtney's face and grabs either side of her face. On one side his thumb sinks into the warm plushness of her skin and the same happens to his four fingers on the other side of her cheek. His open palm brushes against the underside of her chin and he turns her head to face him.

Courtney is in shock. It all happens so fast and she doesn't know how to respond at that moment. Her mouth hangs open slightly as if she's going to say something or gasp but she just stares back up at Bradyn in disbelief. He doesn't look at her eyes at all. He only looks down at her open mouth.

Bradyn moves the donut closer to her face and stops right at her lips. Her mouth isn't opened wide enough to get the donut in so he gently squeezes both hollows of her cheeks. Courtney responds to the pressure and opens wider without taking her eyes off his face. He holds the donut in between his pointer finger and thumb and, turning it sideways, slides it into her mouth.

The sugar instantly makes her tongue sweat. She closes her mouth, crushing the donut hole, and the jam filling comes spilling out.

Still looking at her mouth he says to her in a low voice, "Good girl."

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