Cream Puffs in Bed

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When they get inside, the house is quiet. It's as if no one is home, which she knows isn't true because she just had a conversation with his mother earlier. The house is just so big that you wouldn't know whether anyone was here or not.

Courtney notices that it's a lot cleaner in here than it was on prom night. She wonders if his parents were aware that he threw a party. She doesn't remember them being home, but then again she doubts she would've been able to tell.

They stop by the kitchen and Harlow picks up the box his mother left on the counter before they head upstairs to his room.

Courtney doesn't waste much time when Harlow sits on the bed. She takes the box from him and opens it up. She's usually not this forward but she knows that he likes her too so what is there to be afraid of?

She watches as he tries to sit cross legged and then casually plays off the fact that he can no longer get his legs into that position. Harlow leaves his legs stretched out in front of him, making his body lean back quite a bit. He tries to push himself to sit in a more upright position but he just sinks back down into the bed. His helpless struggle is kind of cute. Courtney has to adjust her position now. She wants to sit on his lap but most of the space on his legs is taken up by his stomach.

He notices her eyeing up his lap, "You can sit on me if you'd like to."

Somehow, they find the space to place Courtney's body on top of his. He sort of lifts up his stomach and then places it back down when she's sitting. 

Now that she's this close, Harlow's belly looks a lot bigger than she previously thought. He's squishy and warm against her front. She notices that he's breathing pretty heavily. It might be from the journey all the way up here but then she remembers that he was breathing pretty heavily when she spent the entire night in his bed a few days ago. Maybe that's just how heavily he breathes on the regular. Makes sense, it isn't easy being that big. She knows first hand.

Courtney gives him a couple belly rubs using one of her hands. Straddling his legs is pushing her flexibility to the limit because his thighs are so big. She looks up at his face to see him panting lightly through his parted lips.

"I really enjoyed sleeping with you the other night." Courtney says. They both chuckle at the way that sentence sounds.

"Me too." Harlow reaches out and puts his hands on either side of her waist, "You're welcome back anytime."

She slides a large cream puff past his lips and enjoys watching it compress in his mouth.

"Why did you leave so fast the next morning?" He's wanted to ask her that question so badly.

"I don't know. I guess I just assumed that you wouldn't want me to be there by the time you woke up."

His stomach gurgles and the vibration surprises Courtney just a little bit. She wasn't expecting it and her crotch is pressed right up against his stomach. Her eyes begin to close slowly out of pleasure but she opens them again quickly. 

"I definitely would've loved to wake up next to you." He says this while caressing her hips. At this rate, it's not going to take long for her thong to get soaked, "For a minute I was actually wondering if any of it happened at all. I thought it might've just been a weird food coma dream–"

"–Do you get a lot of those?" She can guess what the answer is but she wants to hear him admit it. She wants to hear him admit what a shameless glutton he is.

He strokes the outside of her left thigh, "Yeah. The limits definitely get pushed when I'm left unsupervised with food." The fat that's hanging down just behind his chin agrees with this statement.

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