Spring Cleaning

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Courtney was hoping that after getting away with the first heist they would do another. It would've been a good way to pass by the time at camp. But now she has to focus on something else to get her through it.

Finding something new to obsess over doesn't take Courtney very long.

All of the physical activity at camp has reignited her love for sport. She tries her best in every game they play or on every hike they do. It's not long before the weight starts shedding off of her.

She begins to notice that her clothes are becoming too big for her.

First in the waistband of her pants. She never used to have to wear a belt when she wore these jeans but now that she's looking at herself in the mirror, she might have to invest in one. Courtney turns to the side, holding and dropping the pants repeatedly. Just a few weeks ago she was planning on buying bigger pants; it's crazy how fast things change.

Another week goes by and less and less of Courtney's clothes are fitting. The camp councilors are all really happy with her progress and start using her as the poster child example, which she hates. Courtney is also really proud of herself but not for the aesthetics. She's proud that she found the things she fell in love with again. She's proud that she's pushing herself to do hard things. And she's proud that the activities she used to find hard are getting easier now.

She's always at the front of the group when they go on hikes now, not the back. Courtney not only is team captain for most of the competitive games but she's usually a star player. They've finally let the campers use the kayaks and she can see some muscle definition returning in her arms.

She forgot how much she loves moving her body. This camp started out as a nightmare but her outlook has changed so much since then.

When she does eventually get back home, she might even rejoin the cheer squad. Courtney makes this her new goal.


Exam week is finally done and over with so Bradyn is going to have to find something else to distract himself with.

For the first time in weeks, he briefly forgets that Courtney exists and he immediately feels bad about it. She's almost been gone for a month at this point. But it's not like he'd be allowed to see her even if she was here though, so...

He decides that prom will be his next distraction. It's their final year in high school and everyone has already started getting their outfits sized, shopping for the perfect touches, and planning out who they're going to ask to be their dates...

'Courtney could've been my date', Bradyn thinks to himself, 'But we're not supposed to be thinking about Courtney right now.'

He forces himself to consider other options. When he looks back on this year, a lot of girls had actually made moves on him but he was too one tracked to notice.

Bradyn decides to consult the group chat. Courtney won't see it because she doesn't have her phone:

Bradyn: "Who should I ask to prom?"

He's surprised at how fast the responses come.

Holdyn: "Literally anyone."

Grayson: "Yeah"

Holdyn: "You've literally got the whole school on your dick."

Aiden: "It's annoying"

Holdyn: "There were two girls in the back of my chem class that wouldn't shut the fuck up about you last semester."

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