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Her stomach grumbles as Griffin lays her on her back.

Her body slowly topples over due to her weight.

Griffin looks down at her breasts which are pressed up against her throat. Even if he wanted to put his hand around her neck he'd have to dig through the fleshy mass to get there.

He goes down to her legs and spreads them apart using both of his hands. He puts his mouth on the hot skin of her inner thigh and places a dozen kisses there.

Courtney can't see him past her gluttony and when she tries to reach a hand out to run her fingers through his hair she finds that she can't reach around herself either. How big was she? The weight kept sneaking up on her these days. She had no concept of the fat she gained until she tried to do things that required weird positions.

Now that she's thinking about it, she doubts that she'd be able to get off of her back unassisted.

"I feel like a beached whale."

"What?" Griffin's head pops up above her rotund mass so he can hear better.

"How big am I?" She asks.

Griffin offers her a cheeky smile, "let's see. Can I?" He's referring to pulling up her dress.

"Go ahead."

His hands slide up her stomach and the fabric of her dress bunches up on his wrists. His touch tickles and she squirms a bit squealing quietly in her closed mouth.

Griffin bends over to plant kisses on her stomach. They're soft at first and then he begins to take mouthfuls of her lard into his mouth; sucking and tugging at her flesh.

He cups his lips around her belly button and then sticks his tongue inside the small hole. She isn't expecting this and it makes her squirm even more. Without stopping, Griffin grabs her hips and presses them into the couch to keep her from moving so much. Courtney tries her hardest to stay still and the sensation manifests itself in a couple closed mouthed whimpers.

She's never felt anything like this before. His tongue feels like it's licking her insides through a small hole in the centre of her belly.

Eventually he lightens up and tugs at the sides of the hole with his teeth and then plants kisses around the rim.

"You're huge." He concludes. She almost forgot that she asked a question.

Griffin loops his finger under one of the straps of her thong, pulls it away from her skin, and then lets it go.

Courtney gasps.

The spandex makes an audible snapping sound against her skin and it burns a little. He watches as the fat in that area makes a small ripple. When her hips rise up in response, Griffin pushes them back down with one hand on her lower stomach.

"Mmm." He hums as he rubs away the pain.

To her surprise he stops kissing her body and just sits on his knees and peers down at her. She's struggling to look back at him with her boobs in the way and her double chin folded as far as it can go. Usually she'd be embarrassed having a really hot guy watch her suffocate in her own lard but Griffin seems to be really enjoying it so she doesn't feel selfconscious.

If anything, it makes her want to gain more weight.

Griffin slowly massages her belly in between his hands. He keeps glancing up from her stomach to look at her and then glances back down.

"You..." He starts.

She waits a couple seconds to see if he's going to finish the sentence but he doesn't.

"I... what?" She prompts.

Griffin smiles at her sheepishly and then continues, "You look a lot different from when we were fifteen."

Courtney almost bursts out laughing at his words. He's adorable. The way he's getting all shy like a child is so precious. His cheeks are starting to redded and he's half trying to hide his smile.

"Yeah. Just a little different."

"Just a little." He repeats.

He takes his hands off her torso and sticks one finger into her belly button. He becomes enamored by his finger disappearing and reappearing into the pit of her stomach. A couple moments pass and Griffin becomes so hyperfixated on poking her that it seems as if he's forgotten that she's there with him.

She watches him in this innocent childlike state for a while. He looks like he's playing with a stressball.

Courtney doesn't mean to interrupt him but he triggers a gurgle deep inside her gut that pulls him back into reality. His blank expression is replaced by that same bashful grin and he leans down to plant kisses on her stomach again before sliding his entire body up and over her.

He's now laying on top of her and their faces are inches apart.

Griffin slides a hand under the back of her neck and leans in. Courtney opens her mouth slightly. She feels the dampness of his tongue swipe against her bottom and then top lip before he closes the space between their lips.

She can't get enough of him. He feels and tastes so good. She can tell that he means every single kiss and each one gets slower and deeper.

Griffin covers her cleavage with one of his hands and presses them down and out of the way to expose her neck. His lips leave a burning trail on her skin.

He runs the flat of his tongue under the left side of her jaw before sucking the skin there and it makes her moan.

She feels the shift in his energy. He becomes confident and more assertive as he brings both of her hands up above her head. He shifts her wrists into one of his hands and tightens his grip. It's not tight enough to hurt her but she probably couldn't get out of his grasp if she tried. He pins her wrists down to the couch and leans in to make out with her again.

Her stomach churns and she feels him moan in her mouth.

When it happens again she feels his hips automatically start to push into her. His other forearm is on the couch above her head and he pushes into it to keep himself up. He pulls away from her face slightly. Not enough for her to see his face clearly but enough to keep their lips from touching. His mouth is parted and he breathes hot air onto her lips as he grunts. He begins humping her at a steady pace.

It doesn't take long for his movements to become shaky and she can tell that he's losing in the battle against his body to maintain control of his fine motor skills.

"UHhn..." Griffin's noises are so enticing and she just wants him to stick his engorged penis inside of her so she can feel him throb.


She's interrupted by two quick knocks and then the creak of the door.

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