Temptation Coated in Chocolate

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A week has passed since Courtney's stuffing emergency and things seemed relatively normal since then.

That night, they watched movies and cuddled. Griffin stayed over for the night and then flew back home the next morning.

Now, the two of them went about their lives as per usual; in two separate cities.

At the end of the week, Griffin can't help but feel a bit odd. It doesn't feel right being away from Courtney for such long amounts of time. This is a new relationship. Usually people spend a ton of time with their partner in the beginning of a relationship. How else are you supposed to form special connections and bonds?

He also begins to feel quite suspicious of the whole situation. It's been six days and Courtney still hasn't brought up the fact that Bradyn was waist deep inside of her. For all he knows, Bradyn could be railing her everyday without him knowing...


There's a knock at the front door of Courtney's house and Bradyn walks across the kitchen to go answer it.

He signs his name on a tablet and walks back into the room holding an armful of edible arrangements.

Courtney plucks a chocolate rose from the bouquet and starts picking off the aluminum casing.

"Did it come with a card?" Courtney muffles through a mouthful of chocolate.


Bradyn's answer is stark and she knows better than to trust it. She walks over to the corner of the counter he's standing at and leans over the recycling bin. She pulls out a small pink square that reads: 'A sweet treat for my sweet girl, Love Griffin'

She holds the note up in front of his face as if to say, 'see, dumbass?'

Bradyn just shrugs and furrows his eyebrows.

Bradyn watches intently as Courtney shoves more milk chocolate into her face. He looks her up and down. The purple long sleeve he loves so much looks uncomfortably small on her now. Her breasts are pushing through the top of the neckline and her stomach hangs out from the bottom now.

When she makes eye contact with him he doesn't stop staring.

"What?" She says, popping another chocolate into her mouth.

Bradyn shrugs his shoulders and continues staring, ignoring her question.

Courtney already knows the answer to her own question, she just asked to break the silence. Ever since they had sex he's been fucking her with his eyes on the daily. He wants it again and he wants it so bad, she knows it. She hasn't let him touch her since last week. It's getting harder and harder not to let him touch her because she craves his touch so desperately. She feels too guilty to give into the temptation.

He's over basically everyday now.

And it feels just as natural as where they left off. They enjoy each other's company. It's not just about sex. She loves being in his presence.

She spends more time with him than she does with her boyfriend. She does online school all day and when Bradyn gets off of school he comes over and they spend all afternoon together.

He cares about how she's doing and is actually interested in her on a deeper level. She's learned more about him this week than she has over the past 3 years.

Bradyn takes a step closer but she ignores him. He keeps moving closer until their bodies are almost touching.

"Bradyn." She says in a half whine. Courtney puts a hand on his abdomen and pushes him back slightly. He grabs a chocolate from the basket and unwraps it.

He holds the piece of chocolate between his pointer finger and thumb and just stands there. She knows what he wants from her but she doesn't give in. Courtney let's him stand there for a few minutes but starts to get annoyed by his presence.

He's stubborn and she knows he won't go away until she gives in.

Courtney turns to look at him.

She reaches a hand out to grab the chocolate from him and he slowly pulls it just out of her reach. When she tries again he does the same thing.

He reaches for her cheeks and watches as his fingers sink into her face deeper than last time. She watches as he breathes out lightly and scans her face with her eyes. She can just tell he's so turned on.

"Your face is so chubby now." He says more to himself than to her.

Courtney turns her head away from him, breaking his grip on her face.

Courtney tires of his teasing quickly and turns back to what she was doing.

Bradyn reacts quickly and grabs her neck with his free hand.

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't turned on right now. She's always loved how assertive he is.

She looks up at him and tries not to smile. When he raises the chocolate up to her lips she turns her head to the right. He tries again and she turns her head to the left.

Courtney giggles.

She can tell Bradyn is stifling a smile as well. He manages to force the chocolate into her mouth but not without a bit of a struggle. Melted chocolate is smeared across her plushy pink lips.

Courtney chews the sugary glob slowly, still holding intense eye contact with Bradyn.

He looks down at her chocolatey lips and then back up to her eyes.

They both know they shouldn't do it.

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