Creaming in Bed

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Harlow would've never imagined himself sitting in his own bed, knuckles deep inside of a hot blonde. Not in a million years.

She's so fucking wet. And knowing that she's this wet because she finds him attractive makes it even hotter. 

He listens as she moans and watches as she squirms when he moves his fingers inside of her.

Courtney whispers his name into one of his ears and starts grinding on his hand and on his thigh. Harlow can feel a wet spot forming on his pant leg right underneath her. She pushes her chest into his and rests her chin on his shoulder. Courtney reaches underneath his arm and places a hand up his shirt on his lower back. His love handles are massive. She rubs him up and down. 

She's basically riding his fingers now. 

"Can you..." Courtney gets shy.

"Hmm?" Harlow prompts her.

"Can you slide another finger in?"

She stops moving and Harlow slips another one of his fingers inside of her. Courtney buries her head in his neck and whimpers. When he brings his thumb around to play with her clit, the nibbles on his neck intensify. 

Harlow moves his fingers in and out slowly at first to allow her time to get used to him. He grips her waist with his other hand. Eventually, Courtney's body starts moving again and he lets her take the lead. He can already feel his fingers starting to prune up from marinating in her hormonal liquid. He can't wait to suck his fingers dry when he takes them out of her body. He's never wanted to taste someone so bad before.

"Harlow?" Her voice is barely above a whisper, "Another?"

She's adorable.

He would literally do anything she asked him to do without hesitation, she has no need to be shy about it but it's kind of cute that she is. 

Harlow's fingers squish together inside of her.

"Uuuhh" Courtney breathes out as Harlow enters her. The third finger is a tight fit but she wants him so desperately.

Harlow can tell that she's struggling so he rubs her back and whispers in her ear, "Ssshh, you're okay." 

Her walls expand out immediately, allowing him easier access in. It's like her body heard him. Fluid starts dripping down his hand and past his wrist. He keeps touching her. He fantasizes about his sheets being entirely soaked, letting them air dry, and then sleeping in them that night surrounded by her inner scent. 

Courtney can barely take it. It's too much. She lowers her body back down onto his thigh, compressing Harlow's hand between her pelvis and himself. She sits down until all of his knuckles are past her opening to hold his fingers there.

She leans back to face him, placing both of her hands on either side of his large neck. Their foreheads slowly inch together and then come to touch. Both of their bodies are steaming hot at this point.

Courtney closes her eyes and feels him breathing on her lips. She parts her lips slightly and brings them closer to his. Before she can make contact he burps and she can smell the sweetness of everything she just fed him. Harlow attempts to say something but a hiccup interrupts him. This guy is so fucking full. 

Courtney reaches down and takes his belly in both hands. She kisses him passionately and then pulls away. 

"You're so fucking full, aren't you?" She shakes his belly and his nod is followed by a burp. She shakes him harder and his face winces, "My sweet sweet Harlow." She whispers to him.

She can't get enough of this man. 

She sticks two fingers into his belly button and listens to his gut churn and watches as his face contorts to let sounds out. She grabs a handful of the fat beside his belly button and does the same thing.

Courtney reaches down and puts her own fingers over her clitoris. She starts rocking back and forth again. 

Harlow's burps become uncontrollable and she bites the inside of her bottom lip as she can feel herself getting closer. 

She can tell that he's super uncomfortable burping this much but he doesn't tell her to stop. She loves how submissive he is. Harlow leans his head back on the headboard and moans out of his open mouth. His hand comes to his stomach and a gurgly deep burp escapes his throat. 

The room is filled with sounds their bodies are making; Harlow's stomach, Courtney's wet pussy, her moans, and his whimpers and whines. 

She rubs herself faster and presses on Harlow's belly a little harder.

"You're– so fucking... big Harlow–" She can barely get the words out.

He groans, "I ate too much Courtney." His voice is whiny and soft.

She wants him to keep talking about how stuffed his gut is.

"How full are you Harlow?"

Harlow raises a fist up to cover his mouth *uuuurpp* "Really full."

"–Yeah?" Courtney taunts.

Harlow loses control, "uaaahg, it hurts Courtney! I'm so fucking fat, I don't know why I do this to myself."

His voice is so high pitched now and his sobs and wails are pushing her over the edge.

Harlow can feel his fingers getting squeezed. She shakes his belly one more time and he puts a hand up to his mouth and leans forward slightly. He's so full that he'll likely puke everything up if she plays with his fat any more.

Courtney kisses him one last time and then leans forward, putting her weight onto his chest. She buries her face in his shoulder and lets out a long groan into it. Her body tenses and her insides pulsate. It just keeps going and going. She's never finished this hard before. 

Her muscles finally release her from rigor mortis and she sighs loudly before flopping onto the bed on her side. She's completely out of breath. 

Harlow slowly takes his fingers out of her vagina and inspects them. They're coated in a viscous clear slime. Webs of discharge cling bridges between his fingers as he stretches his fingers apart and then brings them back together. He looks down at Courtney who's still lying on his bed completely out of breath. Harlow puts a hand on her stomach and raises his other one to his mouth.

As soon as her cream touches his tongue he knows he's hooked. 

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