Bad Decisions

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When Courtney regains consciousness she's still on her back on the kitchen floor.

She doesn't know whether it was the food or the lack of oxygen that knocked her out.

She moves her tongue around and realizes there's still a ton of unchewed fudge in her mouth. It tastes sour and bitter now but she chews and swallows it anyway.

Once her mouth is empty she becomes aware of how raw her lips and cheeks are. She must've bitten the inside of her mouth a dozen times without realizing because her face really hurts.

The morning breath / chocolate brownie aftertaste combo is grossing her out and she wants to get to the bathroom so she can brush her teeth as soon as possible.

Her insides have curdled overnight leaving a bunch of gas in her intestines so when she starts moving her body in an attempt to get to her feet, air starts escaping from every orifice.

Courtney manages to get on her hands and knees but it's a struggle to get up from here. She clutches onto the counter's edge and uses all of her strength to pull herself back up.

She's in a state of exasperation and is a bit overwhelmed. She wishes she had woken up in her comfy bed this morning. Her lack of self control is going to get the better of her one of these days. One day she'll be lying on the ground and have no chance of getting back up. Her fat will overpower her strength and she'll be screwed. It would be nice to have someone around to take care of her so things like this didn't happen. Someone to coax her into moving to a safer location to finish her binge session. Someone to help her brush her teeth when her arms felt too heavy. Someone to rub her swollen mass as she falls gently asleep instead of lying on the cold hard ground. Something like a caregiver; or like... a boyfriend.


She forgot about that.

She forgot about the two candidates who have willingly applied for the very role she needs filled in her life.

The very decision that triggered the unsanctioned gorging.

The weight of the situation sinks in as Courtney limps her way to the stairs.

"Fuck!" She puts a hand to her head and looks up at the monstrous staircase. It looks even larger than normal today. Looking up at them is making her dizzy and being dizzy is making her nauseous.

She wants to cry. It's all so overwhelming. Courtney sits on the bottom stair with her head in her hands seeing if she can muster up the strength to climb this mountain.

It takes her fifteen minutes and a couple mental breakdowns but she ends up butt-scooching her way to the top, one step at a time.

She makes it to the bathroom and brushes her teeth. Being a little bit cleaner calms her down slightly.

She sits on the toilet in hopes of comforting the storm brewing in her bowels but to no surprise she's constipated.

She hears her phone dinging from the kitchen.


Another wave of stress washes over her as she realizes she's left it all the way downstairs. There's no way she's going back down there and then climbing up those stairs again so she just leaves it. Yes it would be great to have her phone for entertainment or to call someone to save her and bring some laxatives but at this point she's over it.

Courtney waddles to her bedroom and passes out on her bed. Voluntarily this time.


'Maybe I came on too quickly.' Griffin thinks to himself while habitually turning his phone on and off to see if Courtney has replied to any of his messages.

He starts overthinking.

'I definitely completely messed it all up. No one asks someone out that fast. And now she's probably never going to speak to me again. Cool. Why am I like this?'


'She probably chose Griffin.' Is the only logical explanation Bradyn can come up with for Courtney's absence.

He texted her to ask if she needed anything and to say that he'd still be there for her even if it is just as a friend; but no response.

'It's fine. I'll just give her her space.'


Courtney wakes up about 4 hours later burping and with a stomach ache.

She decides to make the trek downstairs to find her phone and order some food.

She finds her phone in the empty brownie container in the kitchen.

The Lock Screen is riddled with messages from both Griffin and Bradyn. She ignores them for a second while she orders a couple burgers to be delivered to the house.

Once she sends the payment through she delves into the decision at hand. She just wants this to be over with. She doesn't want to have to stress over it for any longer.

She decides she has to make a decision by the time the food gets to her house.

Thirty minutes pass and the doorbell rings.

Before getting up to answer it she sends the text off to him.

"Hey, sorry for not responding. I gave it some thought and my answer is yes. I'd love for you to be my boyfriend."

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