Over Eating

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After a couple hours, the group decided they were hungry and Carter went ahead and ordered them food.

Five pizzas showed up at the door about half an hour later, accompanied by garlic knots and milkshakes. It all smelled so good. Courtney's mouth started to water. She honestly wasn't really that hungry but that never stopped her from eating copious amounts of food all summer so it wasn't going to stop her now either. She started on the garlic knots while the boys dished out the pizza. They were so warm and greasy. The garlic and salt were so satiating. Courtney absent mindedly popped several in her mouth. She looked down at the box and only five were left. She glanced up at the room slightly embarrassed but no one seemed to notice so she just slowly moved away from the box.

Bradyn watched as she grabbed herself a plate and only put one slice of pizza on it. When she finished that one she grabbed another and then another. She only filled her plate with one piece at a time to give off the illusion that she wasn't eating a lot but he watched her down about seven slices. He watched her as she started to get full. Her eating started to slow down and she leaned back in the chair she was sitting in. Right when he thought she would stop, Courtney grabbed three more slices.

Watching her gorge on pizza turned him on. She could really pack food away. He watched as she adjusted herself in the chair. She filled out the baggy hoodie she was wearing. The fabric was now pulled taut around her body. He could tell she was conscious of this because she tried to pull the fabric away from her to stretch it out then she nervously played with the sweater's strings.

She was thankful that they all decided to stay at the table for a while, laughing and talking, because she needed a minute to digest. She ate too much and she knew it. She should've stopped five slices ago but she couldn't. The pizza was just too good. A small ache was starting to form in the middle of her stomach and she raised a hand to her belly to try and discreetly rub it out. This didn't help. The pain only grew.

Courtney desperately hoped her stomach didn't make any noise. Her belly would get really loud and gurgle when she ate this much. The food would churn and toss around in her gut as her body mulled it over trying to figure out what it was supposed to do with the mountain of food she forced inside of it.

Aiden left the table and came back with two boxes of ice cream sandwiches which he placed on the table. The boys passed the boxes in different directions and eventually a box landed in front of Courtney. Bradyn was surprised when she grabbed one for herself and then passed the box along. She unwrapped the creamy treat and raised it to her lips. She looked like she was in pain but her face softened when the icecream met her mouth. She left one hand on her stomach and devoured the sandwich in her other hand.

When the ice cream sandwich had disappeared, she licked off the chocolate pieces stuck to her fingers. Bradyn wondered to himself how much further she would go. If there was more food placed in front of her would she eat that too? She didn't seem to stop eating when she was full so what would make her stop if ever...

It made him intrigued and even a bit excited. Bradyn continued to steal glances at Courtney's stuffed exterior for the remainder of the time. Taking great pleasure in watching her shift and squirm in her chair trying to make her bloated torso comfortable.

Eventually it was time for everyone to go home. Bradyn made sure he was the last to get up from the table so he could watch as Courtney struggled to get up to her feet and attempted to walk normally to the front door. Everyone said their goodbyes and a couple people even gave Courtney a goodbye hug. He wanted to hug her so he could feel how much she had expanded but from where he was standing she was out of the way and if he went over to hug her it would look forced. He compromised by dapping up a few of the guys around him and then everyone went home.

Once she got home and walked through the door, Courtney undid her pants. She loosened the draw string and pulled the sweatpants down under her belly. She walked around the empty house with her belly hanging out of her pants. She bent over herself to inspect the bottom half of her stomach and the outline of her pants imprinted in her soft skin. She rubbed the area and groaned. She walked over to the couch and flopped down.

She let out everything she had been holding in around her friends. Once on her back, the burping came out uncontrollably and she moaned as the half digested food fought against her insides. She groaned as the food felt like it was coming back up her throat so she forced herself to sit upright again. It was gonna be a couple hours until she felt stable again so she settled in for the long night ahead. 

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