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She chose Griffin only because she's known him the longest. They have the most history and the most shared secrets.

It breaks her heart that she's going to break Bradyn's heart but not making a decision was killing her.

So... should she let him know? I mean they share the same friend group, they're going to have to see each other eventually. It would be awkward if she didn't tell him. Maybe it would still be awkward if she did.

Courtney dials his number.


"Hey, Bradyn..."

By the way her voice sounds he can tell that she didn't choose him but he lets her finish anyway.

"Hi Courtney."

"I just wanted to let you know... um..." She didn't think through how she was going to word this.

He lets her process for a moment but the tension is unneccesary.

"You chose Griffin over me."

She's surprised at the bluntness of his words but he said what she meant.


Part of him really thought he could triumph over Griffin. He thought that he had a fighting chance. He would never admit it but, deep down, he really thought she actually might choose him.


He realizes he's been quiet for a while.

"Sorry. Yeah, I heard you. I'm happy for you Courtney. I'm sure Griffin's a great guy."

"Thanks, and I–"

"– I'll still be your friend. I mean, if you need anything I'm still here for you."

"I appreciate that Bradyn–"

"– Cool, well I'll talk to you later then?"

She can hear the hurt in his voice and by the way he keeps interrupting her she can tell that he doesn't want to be on this phone call longer than he has to be.

"Yeah... Talk to you later Bradyn."

She hears the dropped call tone before she even has the chance to pull the phone away from her ear.

That hurt both of them.

Even if they went back to being just friends there was still going to be an underlying tension in between their friendship. It didn't feel good but the decision had to be made.

Courtney decides not to dwell on this loss for too long because she did also gain something today. Today marks the date that her and Griffin became official. She opens the calendar app and writes it down, adorning the message with a bunch of pink heart emojis.

Griffin had called her multiple times and she had to decline his calls so she could speak with Bradyn but now that that is over she can call him back.

"Courtney! I thought you died!" His sarcastic, over enthusiastic tone instantly cheers her up.

"No, just had to call Bradyn." She chuckles lightly.

"Oh. Who's Bradyn?" His tone lowers a little bit. Before she even has the chance to answer, it clicks. Bradyn must be that guy who gave him the death glare that one day in the icecream shop. At first he thought he was her boyfriend but it makes sense that they had something going on. She's a gorgeous girl, of course other guys were going to look at her and he probably would've reacted the same way if some random guy came up to her and hugged her in the way that he did, "Wait, he's the guy from the ice cream place right?"

"Yeah... you remember him?"

"I mean I remember him giving me the death glare when I hugged you."

"He did?" Courtney is genuinely surprised to find out this information.

"Yeah, but it's cool. I would've reacted the same way. Anyway, you were saying."

She had no idea Bradyn felt that protective over her. It kinda makes her sad again.

"Uh yeah, well after you texted me Bradyn came over with a bunch of roses and chocolates to ask me out too."

"No way."


Griffin is trying not to sound over excited. Not only did he get the girl of his dreams but she chose him over another guy too. It gives him a mini ego boost. Men are so competitive.

"I'm sorry that you had to do that. That must've been tough."

"It was but it's okay. I had to make a decision. I can't have it all, right?"

"But you should have it all Courtney, and I will always try my best to fullfill your heart's desires."

"Thank you Griffin." Courtney says, holding back tears.

"Yeah of course. Hey is it cool if I come over tonight? I have some things I've gotta do this afternoon but maybe I could come see you later? Order food and watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Cool, I'll talk to you later then?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, bye."


The entire situation is bittersweet. She's lost Bradyn but she has Griffin. In the end she did make the right choice... right?

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