Cupcake Delivery

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The door opens and Courtney is wearing a baby pink two piece that he instantly falls in love with.

He reads her reaction and realizes he's caught her off guard. Her face goes from a neutral expression to a worried one. He wished he didn't have this effect on her. All he wanted was for her to feel comfortable around him. For a second he wonders who else she was expecting to be at her front door. At least shock was a better expression than disappointment... right?

She looks gorgeous. Bradyn hasn't seen this much of her body since her cheerleading days and he wants to savour the view. She fills out those cute little pink shorts perfectly. He runs his eyes up and down the delicate skin of her legs. The space is starting to close at the flesh above her knees and at about mid thigh her legs completely touch each other. She has a couple dimples in her legs that he so badly wants to run his fingers across. Her knees look like chubby faces as they're both engulfed in fat, covering any muscle definition that used to be there.

Working his way up he noticed how the waist line of the shorts slightly dug into her body around mid torso. Not enough to look uncomfortable or painful but just enough to keep the bottoms up. They were kind of high waisted so he couldn't see her belly button but he could only imagine that after a couple meals, her belly button would have no problem peeking out from the top of those pants.

It's been a while since he's seen her wear anything cropped and he's glad she found the confidence to wear those kind of tops again. He really takes in how much she's grown. The last time he saw her in a crop top her stomach was flat and toned. If you looked hard enough, there even used to be outlines of her abs; especially when she laughed. But now her abs were swallowed whole under a couple layers of fat. On either side of her belly there were faint signs of stretch marks that he couldn't clearly see from where he was standing.

Bradyn's eyes scan up to her plump arms and then across her chest. He hadn't noticed how much the weight gain had contributed to her chest size. Courtney wasn't wearing a bra and her breasts completely filled out the entirety of the shirt. The cold breeze made her nipples hard and he didn't want to make her self conscious so he made an effort not to stare at them.

Even though she knew that Bradyn was most likely attracted to her and not disgusted by her, she still felt uncomfortable having him look at her body like this. It was probably only five seconds but it felt like several minutes that he was just standing there saying nothing.

He was standing on the top step holding a clear container filled with cupcakes.

"Hey Bradyn." She finally said to break the tension.

"Hey. Hi. I brought you. Cupcakes." Bradyn had suddenly forgotten how to speak.

Courtney nodded but she didn't say anything. She didn't really know what to do. She had expected to spend the rest of the day alone and now that Bradyn was here it kind of ruined her vibe. She didn't know what he wanted but would've felt rude if she didn't invite him in.

"Do you wanna come inside?"

"Yeah, sure."

Courtney backs up and lets Bradyn inside the house. She closes the door behind him.

They don't say anything as they awkwardly shuffle their way into the kitchen. Bradyn sets the cupcakes down on the counter.

"So what's up?" Courtney says, slightly annoyed.

"I just wanted to come over and check on you." The whole plan sounded great in his head but now that he was actually here he felt dumb. She left Holdyn's house for a reason, maybe she just wanted to be left alone. He was going to just text her to see if she was okay but for some reason he decided it was a better idea to just show up at her house unannounced. And the whole cupcake gift was probably too much. It made him look like he was trying too hard and it was probably a little bit too on the nose. What happened to him? He used to be this standoffish guy who was always lowkey and a little bit reckless and now he was showing up to a girl's house with decorated cupcakes.

He had already dug himself into a hole by showing up to her house so he felt like he didn't really have much more to lose, "Mitchell said you went to the bathroom and then you never came back so I just assumed you left. I was really looking forward to seeing you so I thought I'd come over."

Courtney ignores the comment about him wanting to see her, "Yeah, Holdyn invited people from our school and after the whole... incident, I didn't really want to be around them."

Now that she's thinking about it, did Bradyn actually know what happened? Like obviously he knew what happened and he saw the aftermath of it all but did he ever see the original video?

"You saw the video right?"

Bradyn is hesitant to answer because he doesn't want to make her feel bad but he also doesn't want to lie to her "...Yeah"

"Yeah. Everyone saw the video." Courtney mumbles and rolls her eyes. She crosses her arms and leans back on the counter. He wants to comfort her but doesn't know how.

He did watch the video. More than once. The truth is, he couldn't stop watching the video. He felt ashamed to admit it but something about seeing Courtney stuffed to the point of throwing up made him hard. He's never seen her that vulnerable, that out of control. Once again her appetite had gotten the better of her. The only thing that could've made that video better was if he could hear the gagging sounds better. There was too much background noise to hear anything clearly.

The sound of the doorbell interupts his thoughts. Courtney goes to the door and returns with two pizzas. That's who she was waiting for. Bradyn stifles a smile. He's relieved that the person she was waiting for wasn't another guy.

Courtney places the boxes on the counter. She opens one of the steamy boxes and takes a slice.

"Do you want some?" She offers.

"No, that's okay."

She ordered two pizzas for herself and he knew that if she were alone she'd eat both of them so he didn't want to take that away from her.

For the next little while Courtney talks to him about school and how she's never going back. She's already put in an application to finish highschool online and was just waiting for it to be approved.

Selfishly, Bradyn is excited for her to do online schooling. All that time alone in her house. Food delivery being a click away on her phone and being within walking distance of the fridge. He could just imagine how much eating she was going to do. Online school was going to be really good to her figure.

He was surprised when she left an entire half a pizza in the box when she put it in the fridge

He was a little upset that she didn't completely finish both pizzas in front of him because he knew that she would if he weren't there. The fact that she holds back around him makes him a little bit upset.

At least she seems to be calming down a bit from when he first got into the house.

Knowing that she would be in search of the next food item to consume, Bradyn walked across the kitchen to deliver the cupcakes to her. Her facial expression melts a little further and the irritation starts to dissipate from her face.

She takes the container from him, "Thanks." she offers Bradyn a small smile.

'I guess it is a really sweet gesture.' Courtney thinks to herself. He really didn't have to go out of his way to check on her. Like he said, he could've just called or even texted but instead he actually showed up in person AND he brought cupcakes. Something about Bradyn, and all off his dark masculine features, wandering around a grocery store holding pastel colored cupcakes was inherently charming.

Courtney started to warm up to the idea of him being there. 

He cared. And seeing him care was so attractive.

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