Fetishes and Secrets

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Bradyn is frozen for a second. Looking at Courtney now, she looks like the version of herself from a couple years ago when she was still a fit cheerleader. She's almost unrecognizable now.

"Hey Courtney. It's been a while, you look... different."

Courtney nervously pulls Bradyn's hands off of her waist.

"Yeah, I feel different."

There's an awkward pause in the conversation.

"Are you with your boyfriend?" Bradyn asks a bold question. He noticed Harlow on the way in here and he seemed to be the only other person close to their age. For some reason he's hoping she'll say yes.

"Yeah. Well... he's not my boyfriend yet, but yeah." Courtney's answer satisfies him.

"Cool." He instantly regrets responding to her answer with a single word. What is someone supposed to say to that to keep the conversation going? He was trying to come off calm by not saying too much so as to not give himself away but he realizes that he probably went too far in the opposite direction and said too little.

For some reason it makes him happy that Courtney can't get away from their fetish. Their fetish. Their. Fetish.

It eases his mind of any doubts that he was more into it than she was. Now he knows for sure that it was mutual.

Courtney carries the conversation, "Yeah, and who are you here with?"

Bradyn pauses, "My girlfriend." He says it gingerly as if he's afraid of hurting Courtney's feelings by moving on. But she has moved on too so there shouldn't be anything justifying this feeling.

They're both having a huge conversation about closure without saying anything. They just know. They've always just known. Courtney knows what Bradyn is thinking about her being with Harlow and she kind of takes pride in the fact that he's the only one who would be able to piece that together. To the general public, Courtney and Harlow are just any other ordinary couple. Without saying anything, she knows that they've both mutually agreed to keep one another's secret.

Bradyn is happy for her. They might've grown apart but he still wants the best for her.

He smiles slightly as he thinks about her feeding her boyfriend in the same way that he used to feed her.

"I should probably get back..." Courtney tries to segue.

"Yeah, me too." Bradyn agrees.

They both try to walk down the hallway at the same time and then they both stop to let the other go first.

Bradyn says, "Sorry," and then walks down the hall first. When they get to the end, Bradyn turns left. Courtney sees a thin blonde girl, standing alone at the front counter ordering ice cream. She watches as Bradyn walks up behind her and slips his arm around her waist. She's almost disappointed at first but at least the other girl looks like one version of herself.

Courtney walks back outside but Harlow isn't sitting on the bench she left him on. She looks around but she can't find him.

She walks down the path a little bit to see if he's just around the corner but he's not there.

Courtney starts to panic.

'He wouldn't just leave me here, would he?'

She walks back, past the bench they were sitting on. When she rounds the corner she finally sees him. He's standing in front of a food truck that's parked on the side of the road.

Courtney smiles and shakes her head. She walks up beside him just as the food truck person is handing Harlow a large tub filled to the brim with mini donuts. She slides her arm around one of his biceps and he looks over at her.

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