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His ears pop from the altitude. The clouds outside his window are peaceful and untouched. When his mom asked him if he would go pick up some jewellery she ordered from a couple cities over he jumped on the opportunity. There's a lot of drama going on in his friend group at the moment and he needs a break.

He walks over to the mini fridge and pulls out a fresh bottle of champagne. He pours himself a glass and settles in for the rest of the flight.

The wheels of the jet hit the tarmac and then come to a complete stop.

Griffin goes up to the cockpit to thank his family's pilot.

"You are most welcome Mr. Albrecht. Our departure will be at five pm tomorrow."

When Griffin gets off the jet, his uber is waiting for him outside of the hangar. The black honda accord brings him to the hotel. He walks through a reloving glass door and into a grand foyer. The floor is laminated with shiny marble and the room is filled with reflective surfaces filling the area with light. A huge chandelier hangs from the ceiling on a long chain. The ceiling is very high up and on the roof is an artificial sky light filled with clouds. Griffin can hear the clinking of wine glasses and the murmur of guests in the dining area.

He takes the elevator upstairs and walks down a long hallway to his room.

Griffin drops his backpack off and then maps the journey to the jewellery store. It's surprisingly close so he decides to walk there.

He finds the store relatively easily and pulls open one of the heavy glass doors. He's greeted by an over enthusiastic sales associate who leaves to go grab the manager.

"Griffin!" The manager walks over to him and hugs him as if she's his aunt seeing him for the first time in several months, "How are you!? Look at how much you've grown!"

"Hi Tracey." He offers back half heartedly.

"Wait here, I'll go grab Gloria's jewels."

She comes back with a perfectly packaged parcel and places it inside a bag. She hands it over to him.

"You're such a great son." She beams at him, "We have such a high influx of orders  during this time a year and shipping usually takes forever. Not to mention the shipping companies that handle our parcels can't always be trusted–"

It seems as if she could go on and on forever so he makes up an excuse so he can leave.

On his walk back, the smell of freshly pressed waffle cones wafts through the air, capturing his attention. He rounds the block and sees an ice cream parlour. He decides that ice cream is a worthy pardon for detour.

Griffin stands in line and orders two scoops of strawberry short cake and one of vanilla when he gets to the front. He moves down to the end to pay and grabs a couple napkins.

The bell above the door chimes, signalling more customers, and he looks up to see a big group of guys walking through the door. He doesn't pay much attention to them.

When he looks up again he notices that there's a girl in their group. She's wearing a purple long sleeve, has long blonde hair, and... is totally his type.

He takes a long look at her. Her waist is wide but her hips are even wider. The top she's wearing flatters her figure very nicely, and she even has a bit of a belly. The longer Griffin stares at her the more he likes what he sees.

Her top disappears in some parts as it gets folded into the crevices of her rolls. He's been with a lot of other girls that look like her. He couldn't help it. He was addicted to sticking his fingers in between those rolls. Addicted to pulling and grasping at a pudgy body that oversatiates itself on a regular basis. He likes girls with a big appetite; it's attractive.

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