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He watches as Courtney struggles to open the package.

Instead of helping right away he just observes. There's still a bit of pizza grease on her hands and on her face. It's cute how she's so eager to get to the next food item that she doesn't even bother to clean herself up from the last thing she devoured. The grease on her bottom lip glistens under the light and Bradyn wishes so badly that he could suck her lips clean.

He was right about the pants exposing her belly button eventually. After the pizza, her stomach had expanded slightly and the shorts rolled down a little further. Everytime they'd drop below her belly button she'd pull them back up. He was confused at why she even tried pulling them up over and over again because they were bound to ride down again anyway.

As Courtney's eagerness grows she gets impatient and her failed attempts to open the container are beginning to aggrivate her. He can no longer stand to watch her struggle.

"Here." He places a hand on her back and gently pushes her out of the way. He forgot that she was wearing a crop top and when his hand touches her bare skin it startles both of them.

Bradyn tries to play it off by focussing on opening the container but his hands are a bit shaky. He finally gets it open though.

Courtney looks up at him and says, "Thanks."

Bradyn doesn't answer, he just stares back down at her. He expects her to turn away and start devouring the cupcakes but she doesn't. She stands there and holds his gaze. He looks from her eyes, down to her lips, and then back up to her eyes again. Courtney looks up at him submissively but also as if offering him a challenge; daring him to do whatever he's thinking about.

A short wave of confidence washes over him and he grabs Courtney's hips. He takes a step closer and hovers over her for a second. He runs his hands up and down her sides and then back and forth to slide his fingers through her back folds. Her skin was so soft and warm. He pinched at a bit of her sides and then went in and grabbed a generous handful. He kneeded her meat in his hands and watched as her facial expressions changed out of pleasure.

Courtney liked having his hands on her body. It felt good. Whatever animosity she was previously holding towards him completely dissipated. She reached out and put both of her hands on his forearms, she rubbed them slowly as he pulled his arms back and forth. She then moved her hands from his arms to his lower stomach. As she felt him breathing in and out she was surprised at how much muscle definition was there. It made her eager to find out what was underneath.

Courtney is surprised when Bradyn tightens his grip on her waist and lifts her up on top of the counter. He watches as her thighs expand over the granite, making them look twice as big as when she was standing up. He ran both hands up and down her plush thighs before reaching for a cupcake.

Courtney's heart beat quickened. It felt as if she has ran up a flight of stairs. When Bradyn raises the cupcake to her mouth she opens for him and takes a bite. With his free hand he rubs the outside of her thigh and then rolls over to the inside. He gives her another bite and then moves his hand further up her thigh.

Courtney's heart beat works its way down from her chest, to her stomach, and then down in between her legs. Her thighs are getting hot and she already knows it's going to be a struggle to peel her sweaty legs off of this counter top.

She finishes the first cupcake and then inhales the second one he offers to her. Bradyn picks up a third cupcake and teases her with it. He holds it in front of her mouth and when she leans in to take a bite he pulls it away ever so slightly. She gives him a playful smile at first but when he does it again it slightly irks her.

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