Awkward Encounters

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Courtney breathes heavily as she holds intense eye contact with her boyfriend.

She realized the mistake too late and it had already slipped out of her mouth. She has no idea how he's going to react.

"Bradyn?" He says.


"Did you just say Bradyn?"

She has no idea what to say so she doesn't say anything.

"Have you had sex with him before?"

"No," Even though it's the truth, she feels like she's lying so she adds, "Close to I guess, but no."

"Do you want to?" Griffin prompts.

He's being too calm about this. She can't read him. How is she supposed to answer this question?

"You can answer honestly baby, I'm not going to get mad at you."

She chooses to believe him, but still approaches her answer cautiously.

"Yeah, I guess. Yeah."

The realization that she still thinks about Bradyn doesn't really surprise him. If anything he thinks it's kind of hot that she has another guy in her mind while he's satisfying her.

Griffin's a pretty easy going guy. There aren't a lot of things that upset him, and Courtney wanting fuck Bradyn sure isn't something that he's going to stress over.

Griffin leans over and kisses her on the mouth, "Thanks for being honest with me."

Courtney kisses him back with confusion. Is he actually being cool about this or is he internalizing his anger? He seems fine...

"You should probably get going. You're going to be late to hang out with your friends."

His tone is too calm.

"Yeah..." Courtney slowly gets up off the couch, "I'm just going to go to the bathroom first."

She disappears into the downstairs bathroom.

Griffin looks over to where she was sitting and right in the centre of the dent in the couch is her phone. The screen is already on and unlocked to the home page. She must've forgotten to turn it off before putting it in her back pocket.

Griffin reaches out and picks up the warm phone. He  clicks on an icon and begins scrolling through her contacts. He clicks on Bradyn's name and his number pops up.

He quickly unlocks his own phone and copies the number into his own contacts.

He hears the sound of a toilet flushing and soon after Courtney appears.

"You dropped this." He hands the phone back to her.


Her response is still cautious and he can tell that she's still wary of the situation. She has no reason to be because he truly isn't upset or mad at all. If Courtney wants to have sex with Bradyn, that's completely fine. He just wants to watch.

Griffin walks her out and they both leave at the same time. Griffin back to his private jet, and Courtney to her friend's house.

At first it's awkward.

But they have to rip off the bandaid somehow. Obviously it wasn't ever going to feel completely comfortable at first but it would get better. For the most part, Bradyn and Courtney manage to stay away from one another the entire time.

It feels as if they're back where they started. Back to before the summer break when neither of them really spoke to the other anyway.

It's good to be back with her friends, it feels like weeks since she's seen them last. Besides the tension between her and Bradyn nothing else has changed. There's  a sort of comfort in the familiarity of being with them again.

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