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Courtney passed out before she had the chance to eat anything.

Between the appointments and the nerves of yesterday, Courtney didn't really have time to eat anything yesterday and her subconscious hunger seeps its way into her dreams. In her dream she's locked in a room full of mac and cheese and the only way to escape is to eat her way out. She stuffs her face with the endless portions of cheesy pasta and when she finally clears a way to the door she can no longer fit through it.

The morning sunlight floods through Courtney's closed eyelids and she begins to wake up.

Her dream was so vivid that she swears she could smell food in real life.

As she slowly regains consciousness she becomes more and more uncertain whether or not the food she's smelling is real.

Courtney completely opens her eyes and rolls over to find Griffin's spot empty. She props herself up on her hands and looks over the edge of the couch. She can't see him. He must've left the room. She squints and then groans as a massive headache hits her. She lowers her body back down and lays on her back, covering her eyes with one of her arms.

She's never been this hungover before. Not eating is a decision she is now regretting.

The scent of food gets stronger and when she opens her eyes, Griffin is scaling the couch's ledge with a loaded plate.

"Good morning." He whispers, "I heated up the food from last night and then I went ahead and ordered fresh food too. You don't have to eat the leftovers if you don't want to."

"No, it's perfect. Thanks Griffin. I'll literally eat anything, leftovers are fine."

Courtney gingerly props herself to sit fully upright and Griffin places the plate into her lap.

He watches as she places the first chicken strip into her mouth and her eyes close in pleasure.

"This is really good Griffin, thank you."

She devours the plate of chicken tenders, fries, and mini apple pie stroodles and he replaces her empty plate with a full one. This one is loaded with three burgers, fries, onion rings, and a couple cookies.

Food has never tasted so good.

Slowly but surely the pit in her stomach starts to fill up and she begins to regain some energy.

Griffin sits in front of her, legs crossed, watching her devour each plate. He sits there calmly and just observes for a while.

He likes the way she chews. And the way she licks her lips when some ketchup tries to escape her mouth. He likes how she kind of moans with each bite and he especially likes the sounds her stomach starts to make as she begins to get full.

Even though she got wasted last night and then slept on a couch she still looks good. Some of her makeup has rubbed off but she still looked gorgeous.

Sitting there munching in last night's dress she couldn't be hotter. The fabric pulls and stretches as her body requires more room and Courtney catches him staring at her belly button when she glances up. She follows his gaze and looks down at her bloated middle. Her belly button isn't that huge in reality but the dress makes it look like a deep pit.

"You can touch it if you want to." Courtney mumbles between bites. She can tell that he wants to get involved but just doesn't know how to ask.

Griffin scooches closer to her and sits criss cross right beside her so one of his knees is touching her knee and the other is resting on her side.

She watches as he looks up at her and smiles sheepishly and then raises a hand to touch her belly. Courtney moves the burger she's holding out of the way to allow him clear access.

His touch is gentle at first. He sticks his middle finger into her gut and stirs small circles in her belly button. After a couple moments he gets more comfortable and opens his hand to rub her entire front.

Courtney sighs in pure bliss as Griffin takes handfuls of her and drops them to see it bounce.

Something churns in her gut and Griffin feels the vibration through his open palm. He stops rubbing circles to feel it better and then when it stops he presses into her belly like she's one of those talking push toys with an on button in hopes to feel it again.

Instead he's rewarded with a squelching noise.

He smiles and traces his fingertips along her sides. She tries to smile back at him but she's just taken a massive bite of burger and can't move her mouth or food will fall out.

Griffin finds her struggle endearing and leans forward to kiss her on the cheek.

"Can I get you anything else?"

She's comfortably full now and although she wouldn't normally stop there she doesn't want to eat too much in front of Griffin right away. He still makes her nervous and it was probably best to just bask in this moment.

"Can you get me something to drink to wash this all down?" Her request is muffled by the ball of fried batter in her mouth.

He gets up and returns promptly holding a glass of coke with a pink bendy straw in it.

She doesn't want to risk spilling the fizzy drink all over his nice couch so she lets him hold the glass for her. Griffin holds the glass in one hand and rubs her thick arm up and down with the other.

She finishes the brown liquid in one go and leans back with a small sigh. Courtney places a hand on herself and finds an innocent and amused expression on Griffin's face. He's so cute.

"You're really pretty Courtney." He gushes.

Seeing him giddy like this is new to her. She likes it.

"Thank you." She giggles.

They gaze at each other in a comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence and the symphony of Courtney's intestines.

Griffin reaches up and places a curled pointer finger under her chin and goes to lean in to kiss her but pauses. He notices the defined crease between her real chin and her double chin and he plays with it a bit; pushing the fat back and forth and then pinching it between his fingers.

"You're such a big girl. Your body doesn't know where to store all this fat."

He looks mesmerized by her.

He finally leans in and kisses her for real. The kisses turn into a soft make out and Griffin slides his tongue into her mouth. She meets his tongue with hers and she enjoys feeling the soft warmth against her pallet.

Griffin starts rubbing the side of her body until his hand feels warm. There's so much of her to grab. He's confused when she gently pushes him away from her and breaks the kiss. It makes sense though when a bubbly burp works it's way out of her mouth. It turns Griffin on and he starts kissing her deeper.

Griffin changes his body position and slides all the way back so his back rests properly on the couch back.

"Come here." He holds out his hands to guide Courtney onto his lap.

She's wary at first. The last time she straddled a guy she was under 120 pounds. Griffin sees the uncertainty in her eyes and reassures her that it's okay.

She plops down onto his lap and her belly covers half of his. He starts kissing her again.

After a while Courtney becomes more comfortable and begins to rub his cock back and forth under her hips.

"Ah..." Griffin moans in pleasure.

His hands start at her knees and then trail all the way up her thighs and under her ass. His hands slide under the dress and he grips her butt cheeks firmly as he pulls her in towards himself.

He matches her rhythm and grinds his hips into hers. He feels so good between her legs and every-time she whimpers her pleasure, his meat grows to express his.

Courtney's body becomes desperate for his dick and she spreads her legs wider to sink lower into his lap. She breaks the kiss to whimper and look into his eyes.

He looks like he's been in a sauna. His face is perspiring and his eyes look like they're going to roll into the back of his head.

"Fuck, Baby." He breathes out.

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