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In an effort to spend more time with her, Griffin makes a road trip down to the city to see Courtney.

They decided to go for a drive and although she's acting normal, he can tell something is off.

'Is this the day she tells me what happened with Bradyn?' He thinks to himself.

Instead of confronting her about it, Griffin has decided to take an indirect approach to it. He figured the guilt would eat away at her and she'd tell him eventually. Honestly, he's approaching the whole situation as an experiment to see whether or not he can trust her.

They've been driving around for an hour and it's starting to get dark now. Griffin turns on the headlights as they pull through their third drive through of the night.

Courtney rustles through the bag pulling out fry after fry.

Griffin notices the seat belt digging into Courtney's soft front and smiles as he's accomplished his goal of keeping her well fed for the day.

He pulls up next to a playground and they wait until Courtney has finished her food before getting out to walk over.

No one is out at the playground this late so it's just the two of them. Courtney remembers this place from when she was little. She hasn't been here for a while. As she's looking around, everything seems a lot smaller than she remembers.

They wander around the structure for a while. Griffin walks up some stairs and Courtney stands at the top of a slide. It takes several seconds for her to lower her body down to the floor before moving forward to get her hips into the slide.

He watches as she's clearly not going to fit but tries anyway. Courtney shifts her body sideways and somehow makes herself fit. Her body looks like a sausage log compressed tightly into a plastic seal. He walks closer to get a better look.

Courtney slowly shifts her weight forward until momentum takes over, carrying her down the slide.

She soon regrets her actions as her shirt rolls up, exposing her skin to the plastic. She's moving too fast to stop herself so she's forced to endure the pain until she reaches the bottom.

Her flesh makes a screeching sound all the way down, and her side is on fire. Courtney gets up quickly, whimpering.

Griffin hurries over to where she's standing and puts his hand on her side. Her skin is burning hot under his hand and when he pulls his hand away, it leaves an imprint in her skin. He watches as the imprint slowly fades away as it's replaced by the blood rushing under her skin.

"Fuck." Courtney wines, as she moves his hand and rubs herself again.

For some reason Griffin can't help but laugh a little bit.

"What?" She snaps at him.

Griffin shakes his head because he genuinely doesn't know why he's laughing all of a sudden, "Nothing." He replies, unconvincingly through a smile.

"Griffiiin." Courtney whines and tilts her head at him.

"Courtneeey." He mocks back at her.

She's taken aback at the way he's acting. It's kind of funny but she's also in a lot of pain but the situation has sort of distracted her from the pain so she's back to trying to register whether or not to be annoyed at her boyfriend.

Before she can make a decision Griffin leans in and kisses her.

When she opens her eyes he's gone.

She turns her head to see him running away from her and hiding behind part of the play structure. She rolls her eyes at his attempt to get her to chase him as if they were children.

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