The Heist

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Courtney is woken up by a knock on the door.

She slowly rolls her body over and hears the crunch of a piece of paper underneath herself. She reaches down and pulls her drafted plan up carefully, trying not to rip it.

"I'm coming." She calls, half asleep.

She opens the door to Carson standing on the other side of it. She follows him out into the hallway.

"Wait!" Courtney turns around and goes back into her room. She returns with a flashlight.

She follows Carson down the hallway and around the corner to find the group sitting there waiting for her.

She sits down, "Do you guys have the stuff?"

Everyone silently piles the supplies she asked for in the middle of the floor.

"Good." Courtney sifts through the items in the pile and adds a pair of scissors and a bunch of hair elastics she stole from the girls' room.

She unfolds her paper in her lap and shines the flashlight down on it.

"Okay. Here's the plan." 

Courtney explains every little detail to the group of eager guys in front of her. It takes about half an hour to get everyone to understand their roles and flesh out the minor details but once everyone knows their responsibilities, the group breaks off into different directions. Eventually, Courtney is left sitting in the hallway alone. Her part of the heist is done. She gets up and silently slips back into her room.

She lays on her back in her bed, smiling up at the roof. She's really excited to see if they manage to pull this off. If they follow her plan to a T, they shouldn't have any issues but again, anything can happen. 

For a while Courtney lays in silence, listening for any sounds but none come. It's getting harder and harder to stay awake. She decides to close her eyes for a couple minutes, just to rest them...


Liam and Bailey are the first to depart from the group. They're in charge of covering up the security cameras. No one knows if they actually work but better safe than sorry. 

They pre cut squares out of the black out curtains they brought when they were sitting in the hallway earlier. They quickly cover up the motion sensor lights, hoping that the little bit of light that temporarily escaped didn't wake anyone up. Next, Liam goes up to the first camera and wraps the fabric around its face before securing the hood with an elastic. Bailey walks over to the other side of the room and covers that one too and they keep switching until all six cameras are masked. None of the cameras had that blinking red light on them signaling that they were recording but they made sure to complete their job thoroughly nonetheless. 

Courtney looks down at the timer on her phone and after about fifteen minutes, it's Carson and Narim's turn. They get up and leave the hallway together. They're in charge of oiling the hinges and wheels on every door that will be opened tonight. They sit at the side of the dinning hall, applying oil to any part of the door that might squeak. Every hinge is completely drenched by the time they're done and they even might've used a bit too much but it was fine. By the time the camp staff noticed the piles of oil outside on the ground, they would've already gotten away with it.

At the next fifteen minute increment, Courtney releases Theo, Ryan, and Mason. Mason takes his place out by the lifeguard tower, behind a pile of kayaks, as the lookout while Ryan and Mason sneak their way into the hall. They look up at Liam and Bailey's work as they pass by. They search under the rocks around the perimeter of the dinning hall until they find a small silver key underneath one, just as Courtney had said. They open the door that's in front of them and to their surprise, the door doesn't make a sound. Once they're both inside, Theo closes the door behind them and wipes his hand off on his shorts. He doesn't think the oil on the handle was necessary but they did their job well so he can't complain. They make their way behind the counter and into the staff room. It's almost like a cartoon. The big white fridge stands tall up against the wall with one single pale light shining down on it. The digital keypad lights up when Ryan taps on it; a blue keypad appears. Theo twists open the lid on the container of baby powder and shakes a pile into Ryan's hand. Ryan bends down so he's level with the keypad and blows the pile of powder out of his hand and onto the lock. Four finger prints show up and Theo writes them down. They spend a couple minutes writing down and trying different combinations of numbers until they find the password: 4472. Ryan carefully removes the lock and opens the fridge. They take as much food as can fit in the backpack before closing the door again and replacing the lock. After they wipe the keypad clean, they exit the building.

For the most part, Mason's job is easy. He supervises as people go in and out of the building, listening and watching for any suspicious movement. He knows that Theo and Ryan are the last group so when they exit the building and make it back inside their cabin, Mason goes back to his cabin too.


Courtney wakes up, startled.

She didn't mean to fall asleep and when she sees the sun streaming through the blinds she knows that she slept for too long. The girls in her bunk are still sleeping so she knows that the morning trumpet hasn't sounded quite yet. As badly as Courtney wants to get up and leave the cabin, she decides that it's probably better to stay in bed and leave when everyone else leaves. 

She anxiously waits in bed. So many questions are swirling around her mind. She wonders if they actually pulled it off. 

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