A Sweet Treat

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 Bradyn removes his hand from her face and walks into the next room, dropping the empty box in the bin on his way out.

She chews slowly as she watches his six foot frame leave the kitchen. Courtney's face starts to flush. Once he's gone she leans over the counter and touches her forehead to the cold granite. Her body temperature is rising uncontrollably so she lifts up part of her shirt to try and cool herself off.

What just happened? She tries to process the whole interaction but can't. She's so flustered. Absent-mindedly she turns to the cake for comfort. She grabs a fork from the drawer and starts shovelling soft vanilla confetti into her face. She doesn't wait until her mouth empties before taking another bite. And then another. And another.

The cake is halfway gone. She walks over to the fridge to get a glass of milk. The rich velvety milk runs down her throat, soothing her hot skin. She packs the last bites of cake into her cheeks and slides down onto the floor. She is met by the coolness of the tiles as she just sits there in a daze, chewing. She swallows the bite.

'So Bradyn doesn't think I'm disgusting?' is the conclusion she comes to. Or maybe he was just using her as a garbage disposal because he doesn't like to waste food. But he called me a good girl. He couldn't possibly know that I have a praise kink. Well, I guess he does now.


School and after school activities keep the friend group away from each other for a week. Friday is a pro-d day so they get the day off. They decide to hang out at Courtney's house for the afternoon seeing as her parents are never home and her house is pretty big.

Before everyone comes over, Courtney takes a shower and then sends a text to the group chat before doing her makeup:

"Feel free to come over whenever. I'm just upstairs doing my makeup. Front doors open."

Mitchell texted her back privately:

"I'm gonna come over early and bring Parker."

She responded back saying:

"Okay great! Can't wait to meet him."

Finally she gets to meet the ever famous Parker Thompson. They started dating over the summer so she hasn't had the chance to meet him yet.

Courtney looked down at what she was wearing and decided to quickly change into an old shirt so she didn't ruin her new one. She slips a t shirt over her head and quickly realizes it's way too small for her. Her muffin top is peeking out on either side, her back is a bit exposed, and the flesh of her stomach is hanging out of the front. She'll just have to deal with it, it'll only take her about twenty minutes to do her makeup anyway so she walks back to the bathroom to get started.

Looking into the mirror, she can see the waistline of her jeans digging into her soft sides. 'I feel like I just bought these jeans and they're already getting too tight'. The pants make her muffin top more dramatic than it usually is. Regardless, she gets started on her face.

Courtney is just finishing up with mascara when she hears footsteps down the hall. "I'm in the bathroom!" She calls out to Mitchell so he can follow her voice. The sink counter gets in her way as she tries to lean closer to the mirror. It's never been this much of a challenge before but when she pulls away from the mirror she's breathing heavily.

She accidentally drops the wand on the floor so she backs up and bends down to grab it. The footsteps stop in front of the door just as she's bending down. Whoever's standing behind her is getting a prime view of her rear and her chubby back as her shirt kind of rolls up as she bends over. She assumes it's just Mitchell and his boyfriend so she's not too stressed about it but when she stands back up she realizes she's completely wrong.

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