Morning Cuddles

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Courtney is the first to wake up and she finds herself facing Bradyn. He ended up sleeping over and now she's wrapped up in his arms staring at him as he sleeps. 

She should be enjoying this and noticing how peaceful he looks but instead she feels nervous all over again. Even though he literally bathed her last night and picked her up off the floor in her most vulnerable state Courtney still couldn't help but feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. 

Yesterday she was so exhausted that she didn't have room for nerves but now that she has her strength back she feels self conscious having his hand laying on top of her chubby side. 

Courtney slowly tries to slide his hand off of her but he just puts it right back on top and tightens his grip, pulling her in towards himself. She gives up on being subtle and just moves her entire body out of his grasp and gets out of the bed.

"Courtney?" Bradyn slowly regains consciousness and rubs his eyes, "Is everything alright?"

Ugh, his morning voice is so hot. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. But you should probably go home."

Bradyn can sense the slight hostility in her voice and doesn't argue, "Yeah... okay."

He gets out of her bed and pulls his hood up over his head. She immediately feels bad for rushing him out of the house; especially after he babied her all night and took care of her. The poor guy hasn't even fully waken up yet and she's telling him he has to leave. 

He walks past her to the door and she stops him by grabbing hold of the bottom of his hoodie. He turns around and she hugs the bottom half of his body. He wraps his arms around her shoulders and hugs her back. 

"Thank you Bradyn." Courtney says shyly.

"Yeah, of course. If you need anything else please text me okay?"

"I'm sorry for like, kicking you out of my house."

"No, it's cool. I get it. If you want to be alone I don't want to force you to hang out."

He's being so sweet and understanding. Courtney kind of wants him to stay now but she can't just tell him she's changed her mind again so she watches him go.


The next time Bradyn sees Courtney is at Holdyn's house.

After he left her place that day they haven't talked. She didn't call or text so she must be fine. Part of him wished she would've asked him to come over again.

He's sitting on the couch with three others, waiting for the rest of the group to get there. Slowly, people start showing up. The front door opens and Holdyn gets up to greet someone. The voices don't sound familiar and when they round the corner their faces don't look familiar either. 

Bradyn leans over to Aiden, "Yo, who's that?" 

"I don't know, I think those are some guys from Holdyn's school."

He assumed that it would just be their usual group so seeing other people coming into the house was odd. Within an hour, everyone from their friend group is accounted for except Courtney. The doorbell keeps ringing and people continue to enter the house. Bradyn puts two and two together. Holdyn must've decided to host a party this Friday and just forgot to mention it to the rest of them.

Bradyn gets antsy waiting for Courtney. His heart rate rises and drops with each person who walks through the door. 

Just when he thinks that maybe she isn't coming, he sees her. She's wearing  a pair of light blue leggings that hug her expanded thighs. She's pulled them up over her love handles so the waste band sits right under her belly button. She's paired it with a black cropped hoodie and there's a blue scrunchie tangled in her thick blonde hair. 

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