remember - sj.

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"Look, I'm really really really happy that you're excited to go to Europe for filming.."

"Yeah, I am too! I can't wait to see the—" I cut her off.

"I really really really don't want you to go."

Her smile slowly faded, "what?.. Why?"

I pull out a confused face, "because.. Being in a long distance relationship is really hard on us?"

"I know.. It was hard for me too." She said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I mean, it's not like you're gonna spend a long time there.. Who knows what might happen during that." I say sarcastically.

"Exactly! Y/N, that's why I have to jump on this opportunity right now! I've waited so long for this.." She stated, oblivious to my sarcasm.

"What about me?!" I raise my voice, "what about us?" I whisper the last words.

She scoffed, "why are you being like this?"

"Because you left me for 8 months!" I shouted. "And I waited for the day that you were gonna come back, and now you're just.. Telling me that you're taking off again?!"

"Okay, I thought you'd be a bit more supportive—"

"I have been so supportive!" I shouted, throwing my hands up.

"I know that you've been waiting for this, for so long. But I can't be the one who's going to adjust to your time." I deeply sighed.

~ Scarlett's ~

I ran my hand through my hair, "Fine, fine! This isn't making me wanna stay, Y/N."

"Then go!" She screamed. There was a pause of deafening silence, "Scarlett, maybe we should just get a divorce."

"Woah. wow okay, slow down there. You ca—" She cut me off.

"We're just not happy anymore, we're always fighting. I— I can't live like this if we're always arguing.." She walked towards the door, grabbed her phone, wallet, and coat on the way.

I just stood there, not knowing what to do. I didn't wanna lose the love of my life. There was only one thing that popped into my head.

"To remember the promise we made together," I said and she stopped in her tracks, just as she grabbed the doorknob.


"To love and to cherish and to care for each other." I sobbed.

"Stop... please." She said, her breathe shaky.

"To remember the promise in good times and in bad," I breathed out, "and to make each one happy rather than sad."

She just stood there. Her back facing against me. Every second turning into a minute, please say something..

"To remember the journey we started together," she started through her sobs. Her forehead against the door.

"To remember our love is always forever." I cried. She sighed, her back still facing against me.

"When times are tough and words unspoken," I breathed in, trying to compose myself. "Just remember my vow, and—"

"I'll come back to you." Y/N cut my words, turning around, her eyes full of tears. "I'm sorry.."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry." I said as I came up to her, wrapping my arms around her neck. "I'm so sorry."

She hugged me back, her hands wrapping around my waist. "We need help." She stated.

I pull my head back from the crook of her neck, "there's still a 'we'?" I asked.

She leaned in and our lips connected. It was soft and gentle, then we both pulled away, "Of course, my love."

"I love you so much, you're coming with me to Europe now." I said and she giggled.

"I can work with that," she kissed my temple, "I love you too."

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