surprise! - nr. & wm. (r)

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Wanda and Natasha were up early at the God hours of 6 AM to prepare for a special day. The couple started to take out the materials needed for the surprise; Wanda on the food and Natasha on the rest.

It's your birthday, and although you didn't tell anybody about it, the ladies wanted to make your day special. They also thought it was maybe time to confess their underlying love for you.

They continued to work, making your favorite food for breakfast in bed; Pancakes, Waffles, Bacon, Eggs, you name it. It's the simple gesture of doing so to basically say they are in love with you.

Now, you were quite oblivious to the pining of the couple. Although you sometimes flirted with them, you still knew your boundaries, respecting the ongoing relationship between the two. If you told yourself that you didn't like them like that, you'd grow a nose as long as the Eiffel Tower. You were incredibly enamored with them it was honestly concerning. You hid it well though, as the two women were oblivious, for a Russian spy and a witch who could read minds.

Anyway, now it was 9:30 in the morning and you were bound to wake up soon. Usually, you wake up at 6 as well to train, but for some reason you just did not set your alarm. So you rely on your body clock, which usually wakes you by 10 AM.

Every minute that passes meant the closer for you to wake, and this set panic to the two. They just wanted to surprise you in bed and not be greeted by you while they were still working in the kitchen.

Eventually, they finish up everything that they needed and went up to your room to bombard you with love and food. As they opened the door, their hearts melted at the sight. There you were, on your side, all cuddled up and peaceful. If only they didn't have a whole day planned for you, they wouldn't wake you up. The solace seen on your face almost made them rethink their decision of waking you, but they wanted to spoil you on your special day. So despite the nagging feeling of letting you sleep, Natasha bent down to caress your cheek.

"Moya lyubov, wake up.."

You weren't budging though. You were a heavy sleeper, when it counts. Especially when you're tired or you're just simply relaxed.

"Y/N/N.. wake up for me please," that's when you started stirring. "Good morning, detka, we made breakfast."

"More like I did." Wanda chimed in from behind.

You fluttered your eyes open, seeing your two favorite people in the world. Smiling as you land your eyes on each of them, eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Hi," you closed your eyes for a second. "What's with the tray?"

"Happy birthday, Y/N/N!" They both greeted in unison.

A smiled crept up your face as you heard their sweet voices greeting you. You giggled and buried your face on the pillow underneath you, trying to hide your blush from the two lovely women that you are enamored with in front of you.

"You guuyyyssss," you whined. "You didn't have to, thank you."

"Well, we wanted to. Besides, this is the most special day ever because, an angel was born." Nat said making you all flustered from her sweet words.

"Now come on, we have tons of stuff planned for today. So I say you gather up some energy by starting your day with breakfast, then a shower. Open up!" Wanda said as she put up a forkful of pancakes to your mouth.

You happily accepted the gesture, your heart fluttering as you received the love they gave you. The couple was so in love with you but all they could do were the harmless flirting. They're not exactly the most subtle of people, but you were oblivious as fuck. Although sometimes you do flirt back, you can't help but remind yourself to back off because unfortunately, both of them are "unavailable."

The two were looking at you with heart eyes as you giggled and softly smiled during breakfast. Their hearts beaming with joy as they see how happy they have made you especially on your special day.

"Okay, up and go take a shower. We'll be back in a bit to bring you somewhere, okay, beautiful?" Wanda said.

Your cheeks started to turn pink as you heard what she called you. "Mhmm," you replied.


After you showered, you put on a summer dress that flows just above your knees. You blow dried your hair and moved to put on some light makeup.

While you were putting on some jewelry, a knock came at your door. You swung the door open and saw two beautiful redheads; Natasha with her jeans and leather jacket, Wanda with her skirt and blouse.

"Wow," both of them said in unison. "You look so gorgeous, detka." Natasha compliments you which makes you blush.

"Are you ready?" Wanda inquired, holding her hand out when you nodded.

In the car, you kept asking where they were taking you, seeing as they just told you to get ready. You were curious on where they'd take you.

You soon arrive and Natasha goes out to open the door for you.

Coming out of the car, you see that it's a field surrounded by trees and flowers. "You didn't bring me here to murder me, right?" You joke.

"Not at all, krasivaya, we wouldn't want to lose you." Wanda says as she guides you to a spot under a tree.

She spreads out a sheet for the three of you to sit on and proceeds to put out the food that they brought along.

The entirety of lunch was filled with laughter. Them feeding you strawberries and you feeding them grapes. It was a simple and peaceful moment.

You were now laying on Natasha's lap, her fingers playing with your hair making you relaxed and content.

"Malysh..." You look beside you to see Wanda holding up a cupcake. "Happy birthday."

"Wands," you sit up and face her, Natasha pulling you flush against her front. "Thank you."

You smiled at both of them, feeling fuzzy and so loved by both redheads.

"Make a wish!" You closed your eyes for a moment, wishing that both of the women with you right now would be yours.

Blowing the candles, you look up at Wanda with tears in your eyes, feeling overwhelmed by the affection they're giving and showing you.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked. Natasha pulling back to look at you.

"Nothing, it's nothing." You play it off.

"What's on your mind, my love? It's not nothing when you're thinking about it." Natasha says.

"It's just. I'm really thankful for the both of you." You say, your answer short.

"Well, you deserve everything that we're giving you, Y/N. We love you." Wanda reassures.


Nat and Wanda share a look, Wanda nodding before they both grabbed your hands. "Really. We love you so much, Y/N. So, so much that we've been wanting you to be ours."

Your eyes widen at their confession. "What?"

"We're in love with you, detka. We couldn't stand seeing you upset, and we thrive whenever you're happy. We're in love with you ever since the first time we saw you. You're so perfect, Y/N, and we love you."

"Do you really mean that? Because I like you both too and I—"

You get cut off when Wanda leans in and captures your lips with hers. The kiss lasts for a few seconds before she pulled away. You look up and stare at Wanda, processing what just happened when Nat kissed you from behind. You both pull away after a moment, catching your breaths. Did that really just happen...?

"Uhm," you were out of words, to say the least.

"We would love for you to be ours, Y/N, if you'll let us." Natasha says.

"I've always been yours." You say with a smile, leaning in for another kiss.

"I think this is one of the best birthdays ever." You thought to yourself.

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