oblivious - nr. (r)

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It was another day at the compound. Today was a Friday, which is usually a lazy day, but you know how it goes with superheroes. Rest is kind of unfamiliar to you.

You're currently on the kitchen island, scrolling through TikTok as you munch on your breakfast toast. It was unusually uncrowded in the kitchen today, seeing as it is 9 in the morning. Where are the people in this frickin compound?

As your thoughts lingered and mindlessly scrolled through your phone, a pair of all too familiar arms wrapped around your neck. You instantaneously knew it was your girlfriend. You turned around to face your girlfriend, almost immediately as you did so, she gave you a sweet kiss on the lips. You hummed against her lips, being in a better mood than before, not that you were in a bad mood though, your girlfriend just always managed to make your day better.

"Good morning, babe. How'd you sleep?"

"Good, I missed you in bed." She said as she pouted at you.

You chuckled at her actions, "well, you looked too peaceful to wake up." You said as you booped her nose, in which she crinkled her nose too.

After you both finished with breakfast, you went to the lounge where most of your friends are there, watching a movie. They're unusually peaceful. You thought to yourself as most of the time during lazy days, it's mostly chaos in the compound.

You and Natasha sat on one of the couches and watched the movie with your teammates. A few moments after, you feel your girlfriend clinging onto you and eventually she was completely cuddled up to you. You chuckled at her actions and wrapped your arm around her and pulled her into you more.

As the second movie came to a play, your girlfriend then started to climb up to your lap and straddled you.

"Hello, there." You smiled at her.

"Hi." She whispered and continued to bury her face in the crook of your neck, smelling your scent that she oh so loves. You wrapped your arms around her body as you dwell into the moment.

During the movie you feel the occasional small kisses Natasha gives your neck and how you can feel her hot breath as she breathes into you. You just take in the everything as you appreciate the moment you spend with the love of your life.

When the movie ended, you look down at the person below you and see that Natasha was fast asleep. You smiled softly at her as you see her peaceful state, small snores emitting from her mouth. Feeling a bit tired yourself, you figured to call it a day. You got up, your girlfriend wrapped around you like a koala as you brought yourselves to your room.

Meanwhile, your friends noticed how Natasha has been clingy to you and how it was pretty weird to see the ever-stoic spy be soft. You on the other hand, were oblivious to what your girlfriend was doing. You were just thankful that Natasha was comfortable and was spending time with you considering the kind of work you both have.

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