commencement - sj.

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Today is Y/N's high school graduation. To say that she's nervous is an understatement—she is beyond strung out for a few reasons. 1. She is the top 1 in her class, so of course she is the one who will be giving the highest honoree speech. 2. Her mom's gonna be there. Actually, not just her mom, but her friends too. Her aunties and uncles who are beyond supportive of her that it has become overboard at some point. And 3. Y/N is just not used to public speaking. Though she is a leader of some sort in class, it is still hard to speak in front of people—teachers, parents, and classmates.

As she reaches her chair in the front, she catches a glance on her right—the whole family is there. And by that she means, WHOLE.

Her mom, Lizzie, the Chris's, Brie, Cobie, Robert—who is by the way wearing a red tuxedo, shining brightly amongst the others—Even the Tom's and Paul's were there. Y/N was about to explode from embarrassment. Not that she is embarrassed about her family, they can be over the top sometimes but she loves them for that... kinda.

Throughout the program, Y/N sees some of the parents going to her family and taking pictures with some of them. It's actually surreal to see so many big celebrities in one place, let alone a high school graduation. Some people giggled on how goofy they really are. Especially when Y/N went up to get her diploma, it's like they were at a concert because of how loud they are cheering. She just had to close her eyes and suppressed her laugh on the way down the stage to ease the embarrassment.

When it was time to give the diplomas, she went to her big family. Y/N hugged her mom as soon as she reached her.

"I love you." Scarlett says.

"I love you, mama."

As the duo had their moment, some were capturing the interaction between the two. But one thing's for sure, they are all crying. Everyone then hugged Y/N and said their 'congratulations,' as she comes back to her respective seat.

Soon, it was time for the highest honoree speech. Y/N stood up as she walked towards the side of the stage while the emcee is still saying their things before introducing her. As she takes a deep breath, she looks over her family—them also looking at her, pride evident in their eyes.

"Now, to give her highest honoree speech, let us give a round of applause to Y/N Johansson."

Y/N walks up the stage as she stands at the podium, her cheat sheet ready in case she needed to. She waits for the cheers and applause to calm down before she brings the mic up.

[ i don't usually do time skips but i cant make a speech rn so here's the half of it ]

"...It feels so surreal to actually reach this point, but I couldn't have done it without the support of my family. Thank you for reaching out when I was too stubborn to ask even a little ounce of help. To more hanging out on set, tricking uncle Robert into spending his money, and movie nights." Y/N smiles to the people who have been with her since she was in her mother's womb. 'Love you,' she sees Lizzie mouth to her. She's so thankful to have them.

Y/N continues, "to my mama, thank you. You have always been supportive no matter what and wanted what's best for me. I am so grateful for you, mom. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for you, thank you guiding me. I admire how strong you are and how you try your best to be a good mother to your child. I'm so glad that I get to be your daughter, I am beyond lucky to be able to call you my mom."

She looks at her mom as she says every word. Scarlett was now crying, thinking how she got so lucky to have a child like Y/N.

"And lastly, an enormous amount of thank you's to my teachers who have been patient with me and my classmates through those 4 years. You've helped me come out of my shell even though I have a hard time to actually speak in class. I couldn't have asked for better teachers to guide me through my high school journey." Y/N takes a pause as she prepares her last words for the night. "To the graduates, we may take different paths as we leave here tonight, but I hope we're not going to lose our bond. We live in a world where anyone has the right to say anything that they want about you at any time, but please remember... that you have the right to prove them wrong. Congratulations again, class of 2022!"

Everyone applauds Y/N as she takes a bow and walks down the stage. She looks over at her mom who winks at her as she was about to sit. Y/N then blows Scarlett a kiss as she sits down and the program continues.

When the program ended, everyone rushed over at Y/N and tackled her in a hug. A lot of people were kissing her face at the same time and she can't help but laugh at her family.

"Okay, okay, stop! Guys, oh my god I think y'all are gonna kill me," she steps back as she gets a heap of air. "Everyone gets to hug and kiss me and whatever, just not all at onceeeee!" Y/N whined as everyone laughed at her actions.

They all planned on where to have dinner and eventually, Scarlett and Y/N were alone. They were both by the field, just having another mother-daughter moment. They were looking at the sky full of stars, wind blowing through their blonde hair.

"I'm proud of you," Scarlett starts as Y/N turns her head to look at her. "I am so proud of you."

Y/N stays silent as Scarlett continues, "I know you've had it rough for those 4 years, my love. And I am so proud of you for doing your best. I will always be here for you, sweetheart. I will be here to listen to your rants and vents every minute of the day. And honey, there may be times where the sun doesn't shine, but know that even if it doesn't... or it does, I will be your summer sun forever. I am so glad that I get to be your mom, I am also beyond lucky to be able to call you my daughter. I love you with all my heart and soul, baby."

It was now Y/N's turn to be in tears, but not without Scarlett's small sniffles. They share another long hug together as they make their way to their car, on the way to have dinner with the people they love, but they would prefer to call them their family.

— <3 —

in honor of me graduating junior high school ;)
— im working on something so wait for thaaat. hope you guys like this, ive been on writer's block for quite some time now & i need some reqs. y'all can leave some here or dm me something! thank you friends, all the love xx

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