sunset - sj.

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reader is sick with cancer :( & i know colin would NEVER say these things. this is just for the sake of the story :)


Y/N was standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest. The taught lines of her face shows how hard she is controlling her temper, eyes tight shut to close out his confrontation. The hardness of her stance is a clear irony to her soft breaking facade as her tears freely flowed.

"Why did you even come back? Everything was already perfect with us, we would have the family that she has always dreamed of, and you just had to come back and ruin everything!" He stepped forward to approach Y/N, while Y/N stepped back to hold on to a chair to keep her balance as her knees threatened to cave.

"I love her.." She said, biting her lips as she tried to control her sobs.

"Love?! You're sick, Y/N, stick that to your head. Even if you get cleared now, it will always come back in the future. Don't be stupid, you'll be worthless and the only life you can give Scarlett is a life of hardships! You will just be a parasite!!"

"I wish you would have already died two years ago!!"

Everything happened in fast forward. Y/N heard Colin scream his death wish on her and she heard a loud slap and a thud, and as she opened her eyes, Colin was on the ground holding his cheek and jaw. Scarlett was standing over him, holding her right hand, palm red and stingy. Not far behind from them, her parents were fast approaching.

"GET OUT!! How dare you barge in here and talk that way to Y/N?!?"

"And you're the one who has the right to be mad at me? After I just caught you sneaking behind my back two months before our wedding?!?"

"Because you lied!!! All these years you knew about Y/N/N and her sickness, but you took that opportunity for your benefit. You knew, those night I cried and told you how much I love her, and you did everything to tell me she's not worth it, when all those times, you knew how much she needed me!"

"What future would you have with her? She's dying Scarlett, get that in your head."

THUD. And Colin was sent reeling behind the impact.

"Let me remind you, boy, that you are in my house. Show some respect, and I suggest you leave now. Or else, the next hit, I'll make sure you'll be needing a stretcher to get out of here." Y/N's dad calmly told Colin, while her mom held on him to prevent him from throwing another punch.

Colin held his head, trying to get back the balance in his head. "We will talk about this next time Scarlett, when you've set your brain straight. Literally. We'll talk this over with your parents."

He turned around and faced Y/N, "the wedding is still happening, oh, and you're still invited by the way." He snickered as he walked away.

Y/N's mom let go of her dad's hand when she was sure that Colin was no longer within striking distance.

Scarlett breathed in deeply as she walked towards Y/N to hold her. Y/N shook her head and stepped back to release herself from Scarlett's embrace.

"Y/N, baby?" Scarlett asked worriedly, but Y/N still refused to let Scarlett hold her. Confusion and pain etched all over her face as she opened her eyes. "I'm sorry..." She ran away crying.

Scarlett turned to face Y/N's parents, trying to get clarity as to what just happened. "Give her some space, that was a hard slap of reality that Colin gave her," she said, wiping her tears, but Scarlett could see that she was just trying to be strong.

"We always tried to shelter her from the harshness of her disease. We were always positive about this treatment, that in two years she'll be okay. That the cancer would disappear and never come back and she can resume her life and dreams. But the truth is, we're not really sure..." She said now fully sobbing and resting her head on Scarlett's chest for support. Y/N's dad walked up to her and rubbed her shoulders to comfort her.

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