take it - nr.

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hey everyone it's been a while. ok so, this one shot is just pure smut. idk how this will work, i just read smut, not write so idk how this will go. pls give feedback bc i'd like to know if i did alright or sumth. ong ok i'll stop now ashjcwnd im nervous ok whatever here goes dom nat ok bye.

- <3 -

You and your girlfriend, Natasha, is at another Stark party. But right now, she was paying no attention to you and spent the whole night chatting up with random people instead of you.

You were annoyed, yes, just wanting your girlfriend's attention. And then suddenly an idea popped up in your head.

So you sauntered over Wanda, who is currently sitting on the bar alone, nursing her drink.

"Hey, Wands." You say as you sit on one of the stools.

"Hey," she turned your head to you. "Where's Natasha?" She asked as she knew you were always with Natasha during parties.

"I don't know and I don't care."

Wanda scanned her eyes across the room, spotting Natasha talking with a business associate of the Stark Industries. She pursed her lips, contemplating whether or not tell you what's in her mind.

"Wanna make Nat jealous?" She let her thoughts win.

You turned to her and smirked. That was exactly what you were planning to do. As she saw you smirk, Wanda got up and dragged you to the dance floor. Both of you started dancing, in the most inappropriate way. But of course Wanda did all that with your consent.

A few minutes later, you felt hands grabbing your wrist and prised you away from Wanda's grip. You immediately knew who it was. You looked behind and saw Wanda giving you a thumbs up, though you knew you were in deep shit.

This is what you wanted, right? Yeah, totally.

As soon as you reached yours and Natasha's shared bedroom, you were pushed harshly against the door.

"Didn't I tell you to behave?" She said as she put your wrists above your head. You just stayed silent, not having it. She left you for the majority of the party and now she's mad? The fuck.

"Answer me when I ask you a question." She tilted her head.

"Yes." You shortly answered.

"Then what were you doing with Wanda, hmm?"

"We were just dancing."

She glared at you, looking straight into your eyes. She knew you were trying to make her jealous. She knew you wanted her attention, she was an assassin after all.

Natasha smiled sweetly at you, too sweetly that it was actually scary. She threw you on the bed, "strip. Now!"

You didn't move. You just sat there on the bed, arms and leg crossed. Natasha wasn't having any of it. You were being such a brat and it was annoying the shit out of her.

She chuckled darkly, "oh so we're playing that game huh." She slowly walked to you on the bed, "you are so gonna regret disobeying me."

She pushed you down and took your wrists, raising it above your head. She got the silk velvet rope and wrapped it around your wrists to the headboard. It was tight, restricting you any movement.

After that, she slowly, really slowly, removed your clothes. Maintaining eye contact as she ripped away the layers.

"Look at you, all vulnerable," she then leaned down to your ear, "and I'm gonna make you cum until you're begging me to stop."

You're not gonna lie, you felt your arousal pool beneath you. It wasn't the first time Natasha got rough with you, but right now, you were just nervous and excited at the same time.

Natasha started kissing down your body, sucking hard on your sweet spots. When she reached the place you needed her the most, she skipped it. Giving your inner thighs feather-light kisses, you were growing impatient so you bucked your hips to somehow relieve the pressure.

"Stop moving or I won't even continue." She said as she pinned your hips down.

"So needy, hmm. You think it's funny to make me jealous? Such an attention seeker. Well guess what, you have my whole attention now, you whore."

"Please.." You said as your breathing sped up.

"Oh, begging already. You really shouldn't have done that, котенок." She said as she blew air at your pussy.

You jolted as you felt the cold air hit your sensitive area. She chuckled at your actions, really entertained at how she has that effect on you.

Without warning, she pushed two fingers into your cunt. You squealed as you were surprised with the action. Natasha didn't even build up your orgasm, she started pumping into you at a fast pace. You were catching your breath, as well as catching your release. With the pace Natasha's doing on your pussy, she can feel you clenching around her fingers, and that's a sign that you were close. So she did one thing that she was so sure would annoy you. She pulled out her fingers.

You immediately shot your eyes open, mad at Natasha for restricting you your release.

"What? Are you mad I didn't give you the release you oh so needed?" She smirked down at you.

You rolled your eyes as you were indeed, annoyed. But you immediately regretted that action as you feel three fingers shoot through your aching pussy. You scream as Natasha pumps her fingers in and out of you at a ruthless speed, not giving you a chance to even ease into it.

"You are such a brat!" She said as she continued her abuse on your cunt.

"No, no please, slow down!" You begged as she did not once slow down with her ministrations.

"This is is what you wanted. I'm not gonna stop."

It didn't take you long for your orgasm to come close as you were still sensitive. "Can I please.. Can I please cum? Please." You asked Natasha as she pumped her fingers in and out of you.


"Please. Mommy, please. I can't take it anymore."

After you said that, she once again pulled her fingers away from your pussy. You whimpered as you were stopped from your release.

"You're not gonna get that easily, baby."

You were annoyed. Really annoyed at your girlfriend for restricting you. You got her point, but like, what the fuck?

"Mommy, please. Please fuck me."

She looked at you and smirked. She breathed in deeply, taking in your disheveled figure. She pursed her lips and once again, insterted three fingers into your aching cunt.

You moaned, loud. Your head tilted back as you feel you release coming fast. "Mommy, please can I cum?"

"Not yet." She said as she continued to pump her fingers in a fast pace.

You tried so hard to hold back, closing your legs as you did so. Natasha immediately pried your legs open, "close your legs again and I won't stop even after you finish."

So you kept your legs open the best you can. Natasha still pumping in and out of you and you couldn't take it anymore. "Please.."


And you did. You swore you passed out for a good 5 seconds. You were seeing stars as you came down from your high. You fell faint and your whole body went limp as you finished. You felt Natasha removing the restraints and kissed your wrists, which are now red from you pulling against it.

You did not once move. You were so tired and dizzy that you couldn't even move a muscle.

"Hey baby. You did so good, come on let's get you cleaned up."

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hmm ok wow. let me know how it is im scared and the way i uploaded smut after weeks of not posting. ok i keep saying ok im sorry ok im gonna go now bye pls let me know what you think

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