my only sunshine - nr.

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You and Natasha were asked to go on a stakeout mission. Just observe a certain building that SHIELD has suspicions about and see if there are any strange activity in the area. You're now on a private jet on the way to Budapest. Natasha and you both leaning against each other as she goes over the mission file again and you read a book.

It was fairly peaceful, until it wasn't. You suddenly woke up under a big part of the jet on you. The private jet you were on moments ago were now torn apart and parts were scattered along the forest you crashed in.

You started to panic as you came to your senses. Plane crash. You looked around you and saw Natasha was nowhere to be found. You tried getting up only to be pinned by the plane above you. You couldn't breathe well, the object heavy against your stomach down to your legs. Finding a way to call for help, you saw a seatbelt. You got ahold of it and started to bang it against the big piece of metal above you.

Natasha woke up seeing trees above her, the constant ringing in her ears preventing her from hearing what the person near her is saying. After a while, the ringing had stopped and she saw someone hovering atop of her. The pilot.

He helped her up and said that they got in a plane crash. Her mind suddenly went to her girlfriend. Where is she? Was the question Natasha had in her mind, repeating over and over again. Until she heard a constant banging of metal. She immediately followed the sound and found you, squished under a big part of the plane, only the top half of your body was showing.

"Y/N." She ran to you and checked your face.

"Tasha!" You silently cheered, your voice small and fragile. Natasha looked at your state, blood coming out off the corner of your lips, hair disheveled, eyes constantly drooping fighting to stay awake.

"Stay awake for me, baby. I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"

"Mkay." You said slightly nodding and giving your girlfriend a small smile.

Natasha got up and tried to lift the big piece of metal from you. She screamed as she attempted to lift it, gaining nothing but a small creak from the giant obstacle on top of her girlfriend.

"Nat, Nat, Tash," You called for her as she laid back on her stomach next to you, "I'm dying."

"What? No you're not." She whispered.

"Mhmm, I am.." Your labored breathing evident as you talked, "please.. tell Wanda and Pietro.. that I- that I love them.. Oh— and that.. they're the best siblings I could ask for. Please, tell Tony—"

"You're not dying. You're gonna be fine."

"Hold. My.. hand." You say, opening your palm for Natasha's hand.

"I'm not holding your hand because you're not dying."

"Hold. My. Hand.." You whispered seriously, your eyes pleading.

"No, you're not dying, do you hear me? You don't die today."

Natasha wasn't having any of it, she didn't want to lose you so she got up from laying on her stomach, and lifted the piece of plane another time, turning red from trying to lift such a heavy object. Failing in doing so.

As she removed her hands under the piece of plane, she let out a hard sigh and propped her forearms on the heavy metal. No. She knew she won't be able to lift this piece of the plane from you. She knew help's not gonna be here soon. She knew there was nothing else she could do.

Natasha went back to her previous position. She then held your hand. You smiled softly at her, tears streaming down your face, knowing there was no way out of this.

"I love you," she whispered as if you were not alone. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

You smiled, big, then whispered, "yeah?"

"Yeah. So you gotta stay awake for me okay? We're gonna— we're gonna get married! And were gonna have kids!"

"So.. So Alliana can ha-ave siblings.." You said having a hard time to breathe each passing second.

"Yeah! A sister and a brother."

You softly chuckled at the thought, "that's nice.."

Natasha teared up as she heard the name of her daughter. Alliana was not yours, but you always treated her as your own daughter and that made Natasha love you even more.

"Mhmm, and then, when we retire from being Avengers, we'll have the life we're supposed to be living."

"We're gonna be so happy Y/N, we're gonna have a nice life Y/N, you and me."

"So you have to stay strong, Y/N, because I can't lose my sunshine."

You took a deep breath, closing your eyes as you do so.

"You are my.. sunshine, my only sunshine..." You whispered as you sang, opening your eyes to observe every little detail of the person in front of you.

In the 5 years you were together, this moment was like the beginning again. You have memorized every freckle and every flaw in her face, but right now, it's like every detail and every crevice was erased in your mind.

Natasha looked at you as you sang your guy's song. You both sang it after every mission. It started when it was playing on the quinjet's radio and you started singing along. Natasha turned to you and watched you with adoration and started singing along softly. She smiled as you turned to look at her, both of you still singing. That became a thing for the both of you and you never not sang it together after every mission.

"You make me happy, when skies are grey.." She continued to sing.

You smiled as you heard your girlfriend's beautiful voice. "You'll never know, dear... How much I-I love you.."

"Please don't take my sunshine away.."

"Please don't take my sunshine away.."

You both smiled at each other as you sang the last part at the same time. You let out a small giggle as slowly, you lose the smile you once had on your lips.

Natasha noticed as you lose the glow of your E/C eyes. She noticed how your lips let go of the small smile you gave her. She noticed how the color of your skin turned slightly pale.

She noticed how her sunshine just got taken away from her, forever.

- <3 -

this chapter was inspired by grey's anatomy ;)

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