the real hero - nr.

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The Avengers and other heroes gathered in the Stark's cabin for Tony's funeral, days after the final battle. Pepper came out, holding Morgan on one hand and the wreath on the other.

Everyone spread out in the area by the river, watching as Pepper put down the wreath on the stream, letting it flow along the water.

All of you grieved. Grieved for the loss of a great friend who you spent almost half of your life with—through good and bad. But you on the other hand, were doubling on the grief.

Natasha, your girlfriend, the love of your life was one of the lives that you lost in the process. She needed to do something good to wipe out the red on her ledger, and so she did.

After Tony's funeral, you went by the side, looking over the river. Just looking at the view, the trees dancing with the wind. Wanda accompanied you a few moments later, standing beside you looking over the river too.

"I wish there was a way to let her know, that we won."

She looks over to you, "she knows. They both do." Referring to the other person as Vision. You nod at her as you both look over the calm stream of water just flowing freely.

"You know," she started after a pause of silence. "I still have her jacket."

You turned around to face her again. Eyes tearing up, smiling a little as you reminisced that moment during the battle with Ultron.


Natasha paused as she looked at the girl standing next to you.

"Is that my jacket?"

"She's with us." You say.

"That still doesn't explain the jacket."

Wanda looked away kind of embarrassed since she didn't know it was Natasha's jacket she was wearing. Steve just threw it to her on the way.

"After that, I never wore it again... 'til the final battle," Wanda squinted a bit as she looked out into the view. "She deserved to be there."

You hummed. Thinking about you and Nat actually fighting together side by side. And winning together.

But that wasn't an option was it? Without her sacrifice, the end wouldn't have happened. Without her, they wouldn't win—but at what cost?

You leaned over Wanda, placing your arm around her hip as she places hers around your shoulder. Watching the calm scenery of the water flowing freely amongst the little tides the stream has given.

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