premiere - sj.

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My girlfriend, Scarlett, and I are getting ready for the premiere of her new movie, Jojo Rabbit. I am honestly so excited for this movie because 1. My amazing girlfriend's in it, and 2. The plot is really good, the plot meaning of course, my girlfriend. Kidding aside, I just KNOW this movie will be great.

I just got in the pant suit that I'm wearing for the night. The coat and pants were in this burgundy color and I'm wearing a white blouse with it. Scarlett is wearing this gorgeous silver dress from Rodarte. The dress hugs her curves nicely and it has a kind of low-back so it shows her stunning back tattoo.

As we finish up hair and make-up, I stand up and wait for Scarlett. She's currently sitting down on the vanity in front of the mirror.

"Hey babe, what necklace should I wear?" She asked as she shows me 2 necklaces in her hand.

"Hmm, what about the one on the right?" Scarlett looks at the necklace I pointed and pursed her lips.

"You have good taste," she says as she starts to wear it. I come up to her and bring her hair at one side of her neck, I take the necklace from her and wrap it around her neck. "Thank you, baby."

"You look extravagant," I say as we share a kiss.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She smirked as she tilted her head.

"Okay, come on, let's go. We don't wanna be late for your movie." I say as we head out of our hotel room.


We're almost near the venue when I see Scarlett staring out the window. Premiere's usually take a toll on her especially with her anxiety, it was always a challenge for both of us to even have the courage to go to big crowded places.

"Hey, you okay?" I say as I hold her hand.

"Yeah, kinda nervous though." She shrugged, smiling slightly.

"You're gonna be okay, we're gonna be okay."

That is what we always say to reassure the other. We always include the 'we' because it makes us feel like we're not alone. It helps, honestly.

As I kiss her hand, the car stops. We both look out the window and see the amount of people outside. Scarlett looks at me and I nod my head, assuring her that I'll be there all throughout.

Benjamin, our driver, opens the door for us and we both get out the car.

"Thanks, Benj." I say as we walk to the red carpet.

As soon as we step on the carpet, all we can see are camera's flashing. I can barely see the faces of the people in front of us because of it. Scarlett and I pose for pictures, smiling and turning our heads to every person that shouts 'here!'

Soon we separated for solo pictures. Turn here, turn there. Smile here, smile there. I'm probably blind because of these flashing lights. I look over to Scarlett and I watch as she slays every single pose she does. I got very lucky, eh?

I finish the pictures and went straight to the interviewers. I got asked a lot of questions; about any upcoming projects, my life, and of course, about me and Scarlett.

"Y/N! Hi, how are you tonight?" An interviewer asked as I approached them.

"Hi, I'm good, thank you. How are you?"

"I'm amazing, thanks. So, another Scarlett Johansson film, how do you feel about that?"

"Well, I think it's amazing. Scarlett's amazing. She's finally done with another project and I can finally stop hearing her complain about how she doesn't have enough time for me because of filming." I joked and the interviewer and I laughed. "But I am really proud of Scarlett. I mean, she's been working really hard and I'm glad to see all that hard work pay off."

"That's great to know. Speaking of projects, do you have any upcoming work?"

"I can't exactly tell, I have my mouth sealed." I chuckled.

"There are rumors that you're finally having your own Marvel film!"

"Who? Where?" I questioned jokingly. "As far as I know, there's just, nothing yet. So, yeah."

"Well, thank you so much, Y/N! It's great seeing you!"

"Thank you, thank you, It was nice talking to you!" I say as I finish the interview and walk towards the end which I see my girlfriend waiting for me.

"Took you long enough," she says as we kiss.

"Hmm, well I simply cannot speed through bragging about my amazing girlfriend." I remarked as I saw her blush from my words.

We walk slowly to the theatre for the movie but Scarlett insisted for us to go to the bathroom for a moment.

As I was retouching my lipstick and fixing my face and my suit, I felt someone tug on my coat. I look to the left and I see Scarlett with tears in her eyes.

"I can't- I can't breathe,"

"Hey, hey baby, it's okay. We're okay." I say as I place my hands on her shoulders.

"Scar, honey, look at me," she struggled to look at me but after a few seconds she finds my eyes. "I need you to tell me 5 things you can see. Can you do that?"

"Uhm, I see.. I see you. The sink, uhm.. I can't, I'm- I can't.." She said as she struggled, clawing at her chest. I get her hands and clasp it with mine, I can't risk for her to have red marks on her chest, it would raise speculations and whatnot.

"You can do it, my love. Come on, three more."

"The mirror, your uh.. your purse, and the- the trash." She says as she swallowed hard.

"That's great, petal. Now can you tell me 4 things you can touch?"

"You, my- my dress, uhm the s-sink.. my bracelet." She stated the last one as she fiddled with her bracelet.

"Tell me 3 things you can hear?"

"You, the crowd out- outside, and uhm.. the air conditioner." Hiccups were emitted from her as she spoke.

"Okay, now 2 things you can smell?"

"Your perfume, and the uhm.. drain." She scrunched her nose as she smelled the awful scent.

"Yeah that doesn't smell good does it?" I chuckled, also earning a small laugh from her.

"Great, give me 1 thing you can taste?"

There was a pause for a bit until Scarlett leaned in and kissed my lips. "You."

"Mhmm, you did great, my love. You're okay, we're okay." I say as I fix her hair, my hand landing on her cheek. "Are you okay to go out now?"

As soon as I said that, she immediately tensed and her breathing started to pace up again, making me slightly panic.

"Hey, Scar, it's okay," I say as I ground her again by holding her by her shoulders. "Why don't you wanna go out there?"

"Because.. because they're- they're gonna hate it." She said as tears once again rolled down her face.

"What? No they're not, because you know why? You are an amazing actor. Hell, I haven't even watched it but I know it will get an Oscar nomination."

"How do you know that! Plus, you're biased anyway."

"I may be biased, but I know my girl's capabilities. You're outstanding, one of a kind, one of the best. So there's no doubt this movie will be anything but amazing, just like you." I say as I look deep into her eyes, booping her nose.

There was a pause in the atmosphere and a small smile creeps along Scarlett's lips. She reaches out to me for a tight hug.

"What did I do to deserve you?" She nuzzles her head on the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent.

"I think I should be the one asking that," I say as I pull her head out and look into her eyes once more. My arms stay around her waist as hers are wrapped around my neck. I pecked her lips once more as we get ready to go out of the bathroom.

"I love you, and I am so proud of you."

"I love you too."

We walk out hand-in-hand. Basking in each other's presence as we watch the movie.

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