without knowing - nr.

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It was a peaceful summer in New York City. We were laying on the grass in Central Park, reading our books as a way to disconnect from the world amongst us.

"Natasha," I called. "We should head back, it's getting late."

"Yeah, c'mon, let's get going."

We walked hand-in-hand, books and blanket on our free hands. And as I looked at you, the sun glistening on your face, I thought, how did I get so lucky?

You drove us to the place called home.

Home, was it?

I wasn't quite sure if considering you as my home would be any different. After all, it's you who I always come back to.

Each day that passes by, I love you more and more.

"What do you want for dinner?" You asked me.

"Anything, honestly. But you, my love, are not cooking in my kitchen." I shooed you out the room as I start prepping to make dinner.

"I really love your cooking." You admired.

We looked at each other and basked in each other's presence as we eat the food I made.

A year passed and nothing changed. I love you, and you love me. It was all a fairytale, like story in a book so magical. Everything that you did always released the butterflies in the cage of my stomach.

I love you so much, my Natasha.

Once in a party, you were so drunk you thought you cheated on me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, petal. I made a mistake."

"What are you talking about?" I chuckled.

"I kissed a girl. I'm really sorry." You tightened your hold on me, afraid I would leave.

I stayed silent, "please say something."

I walked out to the parking lot, you following me closely behind.

"I hate myself for cheating on you, I'm sorry." You continued to apologize.

I laughed at how stupid you looked, "babe, look at me. You didn't cheat, okay? You kissed me. Me!"

That was one of the funniest moments we ever had and I made sure to never let you go on that one hilarious incident.

We always had our times where you had a rough day, or vice versa. You would hug me, I would hug you. It seemed like a routine for us.

One long hug. A hug where one of us lets the other cry into their shoulder for as long as they need to. A hug where it felt like the whole world disappears and nothing else exists. A hug, your hug specifically, that can fix my problems and make me feel okay again.

When we first met, it was at our favorite coffee shop. Our drinks accidentally got swapped, making me scrunch my face as I drank what was supposed to be, your drink.

Discovering you got mine and I got yours, we talked. Little did we know it was the start of something. Something that I wasn't purely ready for. Something that will make me halt on my journey.

"So, what's your name?"

"Y/N. What's yours?"


"Nice meeting you, Natasha."

Those exchange of words turned into a new chapter in my book. It made you something much more than 'the woman who's drink got swapped with mine.'

Weeks after that encounter, we got closer. Drinking sweet tea in the summer, sun shining upon us.

Nothing could ever tear us apart. After years of swimming through sea of strangers who would love me eternally, I found you.

We talked a lot about ourselves. Somehow discovering that we had moments in our lives where we had the same experience. Where we didn't even notice we were both in Fleetwood Mac's concert, singing to Landslide.

Those were moments where we realized how pretty it was to think that there was an invisible string tying us to each other.

4 years after the first year together.

You introduced yourself as Natasha at my favorite coffee shop. Apparently, our orders got swapped. Oh, how the universe worked.

I got so intrigued by you. Your beautiful hair was hanging down on your shoulders, small strands of your hair fall in the front, framing your perfect face.

We talked for hours on end; sharing our experiences, telling our frustrations in life, and other things we could converse about.

We even gushed about how the coffee shop we're currently in is our favorite place and how we both love to go to Central Park to unwind and get fresh air.

You and I simply clicked and somehow I grew a liking for you. It was like a puzzle piece that I lost but then found, stuck in between the pockets of the couch. You fit perfectly in my life.

After hours of talking, we finally decided to head home. We exchanged numbers for when we wanted to hangout again. And as we parted ways, there's a little part of me that felt like I knew you.

I entered my apartment and almost immediately got ready for bed. We didn't notice how late it got because we got too caught up in our conversation.

As I am alone in my thoughts, I thought, I was always afraid of what I didn't know, and now I am afraid of everything.

When I watched you walk away from me, I know I should love you, but I have no idea who you are.

I look back to the things I have wrote, and you fit perfectly to the other woman in my story. You even got the same name.

It felt like our life was written on sand. The tide rose, and washed it all out.

Reading everything I have wrote, based it on my life back then, I bet I had a life before this.

I feel like I have loved you before, Natasha.

It was like my heart recognized who you were without knowing who you are. My mind refuses to remember, but the truth had come at the cost of knowing I'll lose it all. I knew without knowing.

I wish this ended with me remembering, I should remember all the memories. But—

"Why am I writing this again?" I stopped and closed my diary.

Natasha Romanoff & Scarlett Johansson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now