safe - nr. (r)

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The Avengers just finished a team mission, which means, there's an afterparty. There was always gonna be a post-mission party especially when Tony Stark is involved.

"6 PM Avengers, be ready." The man bellowed which earned groans from most of his teammates.

You immediately went to you and Natasha's shared room and straight to the bathroom to have a nice, warm shower. While you were preparing for said shower, your girlfriend wrapped your arms around you, "mission report after you shower, okay detka?"

"Yes, ma'am."


Natasha always made sure you weren't part of the crew that always submits paperwork late. After all, she was your supervising officer before you joined the Avengers. She was very protective and caring of you, even then.

When you went out of the bathroom, you see the dress your girlfriend's going to wear at the party; a black strapless number that you're sure accentuated her waist when she puts it on. She sees you come out and beckoned you over for her to put some ointment for the cuts and bruises you acquired during the mission.

As she showers, you went into your closet to pick what you're going to wear. You decided on a red silk Cami dress that stops mid-thigh. Putting your undergarments, you wear your robe before doing your skincare, hair, and makeup.

Natasha comes out of the shower after a while and proceeds to lather up some lotion. You see her from the mirror, toned legs and all. You sigh and continue doing as you were.

Just as you finish doing your makeup and getting up to wear your dress, Natasha comes out of the walk-in closet to reveal her, in her wonderful dress.

"Oh my," you look at her up and down, smiling as you admire your girlfriend. "I sure am a lucky woman." You say which makes her snort.

"Yeah, right," she starts, walking closer to you and wrapping her arms around your waist. "I can't wait to see you in that. Then maybe I'd be the one to take it off later.." Her lopsided smirk coming out to play.

You pull away from her and start to walk towards your closet to change, "we'll see about that, Romanoff." You challenged.

You soon come out and the sight made the Black Widow silent.

"Hey there," you snapped your fingers in front of her face which makes her snap out of her thoughts. "Lost you for a sec."

"Well, who wouldn't though?" She tilts her head as she brushes a stray hair out of your face. "You're so perfect."

Your girlfriend, always the charmer, always making you blush. You giggle and reach out to kiss her. The softness of her lips makes you press onto her and passionately make out with her.

She pulls away and sees your lipstick is all ruined, you seeing hers is just as messy as yours. You both giggle and go to the vanity to reapply.

"Come on, my love." Natasha reaches her hand out to you.

"I love you," you say. "My gorgeous, gorgeous girl."

This makes her blush, which is a sight not all people are lucky to see. You both go out of your room and started your short journey to where the party is.


The party was on full blast when you arrived, and now, Natasha is at the bar and you're mingling with the people Tony invited.

While you were taking a rest on the couch, an empty glass in your hand, watching the people around you, an old guy who is very obviously drunk sat next to you.

"You know, a lady like you shouldn't be left alone at a party."

"Excuse me?" You turn to the man, who reeks of alcohol.

"Why don't we go out of here, have some fun, huh sweetie?" He says as he reaches out to place his hand on your thigh.

This makes you freeze and your heart to race, "no thanks, I'd rather stay here." You tried to politely shoo him away, desperately needing to get out of his reach.

"Come on, don't be so shy. Let's go somewhere quiet, somewhere where we won't be heard or seen." This time he tries to go further up your thigh which you grab and makes him stop.

You look at him with a smile and say, "why don't we get some drinks first?"

"Sounds like a plan."

You both stand up and he wraps his arm around your waist. You uncomfortably straightened your posture and tensed your muscles, scared.

When you reached the bar, you see your girlfriend standing there looking at the two of you.

"Whiskey, please," the man orders, arms still tightly around your waist. You look at Natasha with fear in your eyes, and she's sure that there are tears glossing them.

"Why don't you help me make it, detka?" She tells you, which makes you run around the bar and attach yourself to your girlfriend once you reached her.

"Now you have 5 seconds to tell me why my girlfriend is so scared of you."

"What? What are you saying, we were having a good time, right baby?" The man says.

"Don't call her baby, she's not yours. Now go before I do something you're gonna regret." Natasha threatens.

The man scoffs and leaves the bar. You, however, are still attached to your girlfriend. Natasha feels you trembling and she carefully pulls you into a proper hug.

"What happened, sweet girl? What did that man do to you?" She asked, voice full of worry.

"I was just— I was just sitting on the couch and he sat beside me. He started to invite me to get out of here and I— I said no and he started touching me and when he— he uhm, went even higher up my thigh I said we go here." You explain, voice trembling and on the verge of tears.

"I'm so sorry, baby, I wasn't there to protect you. But good thinking to go here, you're so smart." Natasha says as she sways the both of you, still in a tight embrace.

"Why don't we call it a night, then we can watch movies and cuddle in our bed? That sound good?" She suggests.

"Perfect," you say as you melt even further into your girlfriend. She taps your thighs indicating you to jump, so you did, and she carried you towards your shared bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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