cramps - sj.

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I've been an athlete since I was 10 years old. Badminton is my sport, I've been playing it since I can remember. So, when my coach decided to make me join a city meet, me and my partner surprisingly won.

Fast forward to a few years later, I was a consistent player. Being a student-athlete at such a young age is never easy, but I managed to still be in the top of the class despite the harsh training hours and heaps of school work. Achieving in both aspects; competing in regional meets, representing my school, city, and province. At the same time excelling in my studies.

But the pandemic happened, and everything stopped. I wasn't able to train for a year, but when I did, it all stopped again after my aunt died. Since then, I wasn't able to train again.

Today I got a call from my former coach that training is back. I got pretty excited and kind of nervous because I haven't trained in so long, what if I can't hit the shuttlecock anymore? Anyway, I texted back immediately that I was attending and told my mom.

"Mom! Guess what, training's back!" I shouted at no one in particular since I didn't know where my mom was.

"Kitchen!" I quickly ran to where she's located. "Really? Well, are you gonna go?"

"Of course! It starts at the usual, 9 AM." I say before I sit down on the table eating my breakfast.

"Okay then, I'm coming with you."

Next thing I know we're on our way to the courts. As we climb up the stairs, I reminisce on how much I missed climbing them up, even with the amount of complains I did back then. We've reached the top floor and I see the place that I called my 2nd home for how many years.

I place my bag on a bench and greet my coach, also having a small chat while we waited for the other trainees. Eventually, we start training. It was pretty hard because my lungs are not used to this yet. The only physical things I've done at home are my chores.

We've moved on to drills. I'm the first one to do it since I am much more advanced than most. Anyway, I start and surprisingly, I hit the shuttlecocks, only having missed a couple. Once I finish, I saw my mom taking a video of me doing the drills. I put on my "mad face" and glare jokingly at her.

After a few drills, I become tired and pretty nauseous. I sit down by the fan to catch some air and when it was my turn to do the drills again, I told my coach that I'll pass this one out. I felt like I'm gonna throw up. I take a few deep breaths with the help of my loving mother, whipping out a rub to help with my nauseousness.

By the end of the session, my coach decided to play some half court singles. It's basically playing singles but half court, hence the name. We take turns on playing with everyone, and shock myself for a bit because I was able to beat everyone. It was now the end and we have our cool-downs to stretch our muscles to relax. My mom helps me with my things so I can change afterwards, but my coach approaches me.

"Y/N, Ms. Johansson," he shakes my mom's hand as he turns to me. "My former players are here, you wanna play for a little while?"

I look up at my mom, my eyes asking for permission. She nods and I smile at her, "yes of course, I would love to!"

We then transfer our stuff to the other side since my coach's former students were there. My coach and I start warming ourselves up and in the middle of me hitting the ball, my right calf tenses, indicating a cramp. I immediately stopped and limped to the umpire tower to stretch my calf. I talk to some people there while I continue to do my stretch.

I come back to the bench to drink some water before the game starts, "is your leg okay?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, just a little tense. I stretched it for a little bit to make it go away."

"Okay, drink more water so it won't turn into a full cramp."

I nod, "thank you, mama." I say as I kiss her cheek and go to our side of the court with my coach.

It was now 14-11, in our favor. My coach serves and the opponent drives the ball, making me stride to the side to bring it back. They then drop it back to my coach, making him clear the ball and the opponent clearing it back to me. As I smash the ball and get back in position to receive the opponent's drive, my right calf cramps up.

"Wait, stop! Abort, abort, I'm cramping." I laugh out.

My coach then runs to me as my mom stands up from her seat, observing what's happening. I sit down on the floor and outstretch my legs, my coach asks what leg is cramping and I point to my right. He immediately stretches it inward, since the cramp is pushing it outward, like when you point your foot.

"Stop fighting against it!" My coach panics as he pushes my foot.

"I'm not! It's doing it by itself--ow!" I laugh again at my misery.

"Look at her leg, coach. It's bulging!" One of my coach's older students exclaim.

As he continues to push my foot inward, and me laughing at myself, one of my coach's former students approached us, "can Y/N consume salt or something like that? I have a salt tablet and it can help with her cramps."

My coach looks at my mom and she nods, indicating that I can drink whatever he is offering. He runs back to his bag to get the tablet and when he comes back, my mom stands up and gives me my tumbler. I drink the medicine and eventually my leg calms down.

They help me stand up and walk to the bench where my mom is sitting. I lean my head down on her shoulder as she kisses the crown of my head. "You okay, sweetie?"

"Yeah, hurts a lot though. I haven't had a cramp for forever." I reply as I watch my coach and the others continue the game.

"Why don't you freshen up, then we'll get some ice cream on the way home?"

"That would be nice," I say, turning my head so my forehead is leaning on her shoulder. "I need help to walk though."

"I'll carry you if you want to." Mom says as she stands up, already leaning down to pick me up.

"No! No, mama! I'm too big, stooooop!" I whine as I get out of her grasp.

"You're acting as if I'm not the Black Widow, baby," she places her fists to her side, doing a superhero pose. "Now come on, you big whiner. Let's get you changed because you stink."


"I'm kidding, now chop-chop! Or else I'm leaving you here." My mom says as she starts walking away.

"No, pleaaasee. Mama!" I shout for her as she comes back and laughs at my state. She then helps me up assist me to walk to the washrooms. She lets me sit down on the chair and helps me wipe my body with a washcloth. I'm really thankful for my mom, although she teases me most of the time, she's the best mama ever.

And we did drive through McDonald's since she promise we're getting ice cream. I couldn't ask for a better mama.

im projecting sooo hard LMAO
this is a true occurrence though, my body is hurting & i can't even walk around the house without limping. i felt like wanda chasing strange, america, & christine in that one scene 😭

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