forever winter - sj.

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These past few days, you don't want to do anything besides to just lay down on your bed. You don't even want to get up to shower or eat. You just physically can't.

A lot has happened and you became too overwhelmed with everything; your parents called and told you that they all came down with the flu, work has been stressful because you're filming for a new project, and the worst one of all, Scarlett has been away for the past 5 days.

She was away to film some scenes for her new movie, which made her very busy and wasn't able to come home. Work kept you occupied but after a couple days, they told you that filming will be delayed a bit because one of the crew members got the virus.

You're now just in your bed, swaddled up the duvet, staring out the window. You feel numb and sullen, not even knowing that a tear has trickled down your cheek.

You've been up since 7 AM, it was now 10, not really been able to sleep since Scarlett left. You also haven't had a proper meal due to not having enough energy to move. You were in a low and you knew it. All you want is for Scarlett to come back and kiss all your worries away.

It's like when she left, she also took your energy with you. But overall, everything was just overwhelming.

As those thoughts spiral in your mind again, you cover your face with your hands, sobbing. You can't take it anymore, it's like there's this thing forcing you down every time you try to get back up.

You calmed down and went back again to staring out at the window. You hadn't notice the time passing by, your phone was on do not disturb so you didn't know that your girlfriend has texted you letting you know she's coming home. It wasn't long until your eyes grew tired and you succumbed to slumber.


You woke up at 1:30 PM, sighing deeply as you turned to lay on your back, staring at the ceiling. Even after sleeping, there was still no energy in your body. You were clearly emotionally and mentally drained. You turned to your side again facing the window, just looking at the different birds on the trees that are dancing through the wind.

You were zoned out, not hearing anything around you besides your thoughts. Everything just taking over your brain. You hadn't heard your girlfriend arriving and going in your shared room.

"Hey baby, I'm home," She came in and saw you in the duvet wrapped like a burrito with pillows all over you. "Y/N?"

She called again when she didn't receive an answer the first time. Scarlett came around to your side of the bed and saw you zoned out, staring outside the window. She kneeled down to be at eye-level with you.

"Y/N/N, sweetheart," She stroked your hair and you looked up to see her. "Hi."

You smiled slightly, really not having the energy. "Scarlett!" You silently cheered as you sat up.

You hugged her tight, not wanting to let her go. Eyes closed, savoring the moment.

"Are you okay, my love?" Scarlett asked, rubbing your back.

"Yeah," your voice barely above a whisper. "Just missed you a lot."

"You sure?" She pulled out from the hug to cup your face, looking through every detail of your features. "You can tell me anything, you know."

You sighed, tears started to fill up your eyes. You tried to hold it back, but seeing the love of your life as you're in a low this past few days, it's very hard to not break down.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. What happened?"

"It's, it's just. I really missed you. And these past days I didn't even bother to take care of myself," you started as tears flowed freely down to your cheeks. "I think— I think I came into a low. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."

"I tried distracting myself with work the first couple of days you were away, but, they called a break because one of the employees caught the virus. Then my parents called and said they all came down with the flu. I— I didn't know what to do at that point, and with you away, I couldn't— I was so uneasy and I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry. My thoughts kept thinking that you're gonna leave me. It's like this wave that kept pushing me whenever I come back up, and everything just came crashing down. It's like I'm 14 again. Scarlett, I thought of doing it, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I just, I need to stop living like this because I don't think I can survive this. I'm so tired, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Your girlfriend listened to you the entire time, on the brink of tears too.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/LN, you are a strong, amazing woman. The love of my life, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Know that I will never, ever leave you." Scarlett said as she brushed her hands from your cheeks, down to your shoulders, then to your hands, holding it tightly.

"I'd like you to know, that I am, so proud of you for doing your best. You don't need to apologize to me, or to anyone. I know you've had it rough, but I will always, always, be here for you. I will be with you in every step of the way."

You don't know what to say. You just stared at each other's eyes, adoring everything about the person in-front of you. She made you feel complete, and she felt that too.

She reached out to hug you, "I love you, I love you so much." She felt in that moment that she hadn't said it enough to you. Even though she tells you that 10 times a day, it didn't feel enough.

She felt vulnerable as she watched and listened to you tell her about everything that you feel. How you thought about taking your own life. She wouldn't know what to do if you were to do it and succeeded.

"I love you with my whole heart and soul, God. Do you know that? I don't think you know that." She whispered as she continued to rock both of your bodies, your ear was pressed firmly against her chest, hearing her heartbeat.

Scarlett couldn't let you go. It was like someone's going to take you away once she releases you from her arms.

"I'll be your summer sun forever." She said as she stroked you hair and kissed the top of your head.

The dark was a scary place. You can't see a way out or how to get there. Scarlett was the blanket of stars in the sky that lit up the dark and showed you the way out. She promised to herself that on the days where the sun doesn't shine, and even on days when it did, she'll always be your sun.

- <3 -

hi bffs! i'm just coming here to let y'all know that winter break has surpassed & i started school again. i'll try to update as much as i can!

and, i changed the reader's name to Y/N now. it's much better ig, and i hear that there's this app? where you can change Y/N to your own name so yeah!

i hope everyone is doing well, i love you all! <3

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