6 months - sj.

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I woke up with a heavy feeling on my chest. I looked at my phone and saw the date. Shit.

This is gonna be one hell of a day. I got up from bed, not bothering that my girlfriend's nowhere to be found. She's probably downstairs.

I took a shower as an attempt to wake myself up. We have to film some scenes today and my schedule is full as fuck. I headed downstairs to see my girlfriend on her phone, drinking her coffee, already dressed and ready to go.

"Hey, babe. Ready to go?" She got up and kissed me on the cheek.

"Yeah," I replied in a monotone voice, getting out of the house into the garage. This gesture only gained a confused look on Scarlett's face.

Once you both got into the car, it was silent for a few moments until Scarlett broke the ice. "You okay?" She placed her hand on your thigh.

"Fine. I'm fine, Scar." You said and turned to look at her, giving her a soft smile. Scarlett just nodded, not convinced as you started to drive to set.


As we arrived, we immediately went to our trailer. I put my things on the counter and got out to go to hair and makeup. This confused Scarlett even more because you both almost always go to hair and makeup together.

When she went in the trailer, you were already getting worked on by the artists. She just sighed and sat on the chair beside you, getting started on her appearance for the scenes.

Once you were finished, you immediately went to set. Not even bothering to wait for your girlfriend. Your mind was going places, it was like a hamster on a wheel. Constantly running.

You sat on your chair, just staring into nothingness. You can't believe a certain date every month will take such a hold on you. The thing is, your aunt died 6 months ago today. She died on the 7th of July, the year 2021. So every 7th of every month, you were like this. You haven't opened up to Scarlett about your aunt, so it's obvious that she doesn't know about your state every month.

You were snapped out of your thought by a hand waving in front of your face. It was Lizzie. "Hey Y/N! You're needed on set." Dragging the end of your name.

"Oh, sorry. Thanks Lizard." I said, using the nickname I gave her.

"Don't call me that, it's gross." She said with a disgusted face. You chuckled, "no it's not, its very cute!!"

After filming some scenes, you were sitting on the couch with some of the cast when Scarlett came in.

"Hey, baby." She said as she kissed me.

"Hi," I said. "You're done filming?"

"In some scenes. I still have a lot to finish though. You?"

"Ditto." I nodded and got up again as I was called to film scenes with Evans and Robert.


"Cut! Okay that's it for the day, Y/N. Thank you for your amazing job." The director shouted as I finish my last scene of the day.

I thanked him and the crew as well and went straight to me and Scarlett's trailer. I rushed as I entered, tiredness from filming not processing in my body. I quickly got my keys and my bag and ran off to the car.

I was so in a hurry and in my own world that I didn't hear the rest of the cast and my girlfriend calling for me. I got in the car and drove to the destination I had in mind.

As you parked your car, not forgetting to stop for flowers, you enter the graveyard.

You approach a small clearing of tombstones, a certain one that sits in its center catching your eye. You tidy the leaves around your aunt's tombstone, fixing the other flowers your relatives constantly leave when they visit.

You haven't visited your aunt for awhile because of your busy schedule. You've been wanting to go for forever, but every time you planned on going, there was always something getting in the way.

As you sit on the grass, you take a deep breath. You missed your aunt, she was your second mother. Always there for you whenever you needed her. Grief pauses you ever so often every time you think of her. She was taken from you too soon and it was very hard to process. You were in the state of denial for weeks, and you're probably still in it, just not that much anymore.

You were slowly pulling away from denial and going onto the fact that she's really gone. You couldn't fully fathom, but you did know that there was a purpose.

"I miss you," you started. "It's been half a year without you. I'm sorry I hadn't had the time to visit you, you know how busy I can get."

"It's hard without you here. There are times I forget for a moment that you're gone... and when I remember again, it hurts a million times more." I said wiping my tears, talking to no one in particular.

You knew she was listening. She always was. What you didn't know was your girlfriend was also listening from a distance.

Scarlett saw you crying and slowly approached you. "Y/N..." You turned around with red and puffy eyes. Her eyes softened at the sight.

She kneeled down and hugged you tight. You rest your forehead on her chest, still sobbing.

After awhile, your tears have calmed down. So Scarlett asked, "Baby, who's this?"

"My auntie," you breathed out. "She died 6 months ago today. Cancer."

"I'm so sorry, my love. I'm sure she was an amazing person to everyone around her. Especially you." She said as she booped your nose, making you scrunch it up. It made Scarlett's heart melt.

"She was. I loved her so much. When she passed, I stayed awake for like 24/7. Only sleeping for an hour or two and waking up again. I was the one who looked after her while my family slept."

"I remember, my relatives were all in a call to pray for her. Then my mom got the call. I heard her repeat the time and I instantaneously knew that she was gone. And, in that moment I... I swore nothing in this universe could be so heavy as the absence of someone you love."

Scarlett smiled at your words, "I know she's really proud of you right now."

I looked at her and instantly got into a sobbing mess. Those words hitting me hard as I hear my auntie's voice saying it to me.

Scarlett continued to hold me as I calm down, tears falling from both of us every so often, rocking us back and forth. Swaying with the wind softly blowing across our faces.

— <3 —

in honor of my auntie's 6 months.
— was not proofread im tired also apologies for not posting too much, i've been sick and i'm dying lolzies :")

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