3 times, i love you - nr.

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Natasha and I have been dating for a couple of months. I have dated people before her but I've been the happiest whenever I'm with her.

During our first date, she brought me to this fancy Italian restaurant just a few blocks away from the Avengers tower. She told me lots of stories of her with Clint or with her sister, Yelena. I can't help but stare at her face as she rambles on about how Clint's obsession with different types of arrows is becoming unhealthy.

We were walking back from the restaurant, leisurely walking through the street. Natasha would always make sure that I was on the inside of the sidewalk, wanting to keep me safe. "It's my priority to keep you safe. And make you happy." Was she always told you whenever you asked why.

On our first month of dating, I brought her to Central Park and set up a picnic there. We stayed 'til the night and we both were laying down on the grass, gazing through the blanket of stars in the sky. I turned to face her and she followed suit. We just stared at each other, taking in every detail of every feature you both have.

When you went home, you guys decided to watch a movie. She set up the movie in the living room as you get some snacks and drinks for you to eat while watching. It was halfway through the movie when you felt a pair of eyes staring at you. You turned and saw it was Natasha. "Why are you staring?" You scrunched your eyebrows. "I'm not. I'm admiring." You playfully rolled your eyes and turned to watch the movie playing on the television.

Minutes after, you still feel Natasha's eyes boring into you. You turned again, "Whyyyyy!!" You whined. She shook her head, the corners of her lips curling as she giggled at your whining. She stopped and stared at you again, "you're so beautiful." She said with a soft smile, her eyes full of adoration. Your heart softened as you heard those words. Your cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, a smile creeping up your mouth as you scrunch your nose. You scooted over to her and cuddled into her arms. You wouldn't trade this for anything.

A few days after your 3rd month anniversary, you both just had breakfast. Today was a lazy day and decided to cuddle up in bed and have a movie marathon. As you come out from the bathroom and lay on your bed, Natasha was on the bed picking what movie to watch. You both settled on watching La La Land.

We both watched as Mia and Sebastian walk through the road and have a conversation. Until your attention has drifted to the thoughts in your head, starring a certain redhead. You turned to look at her and saw her happily watching the movie. My god, was she astonishing. As you turn your gaze back to the TV, you knew. You were aware that today was the day you knew you were falling in love with her.

I squeezed her hand three times, still looking at the movie playing ahead of us. All I have in my mind was: I don't think she knows what I mean. That was until she looked at me, smiling. I thought, there's no way she knows. She then pulled me closer, her free hand caressing my cheek as I leant into her touch. She whispered, "I love you too."

A wide smile crept onto my lips as she said those words. The blue-purple pink light from the TV illuminating the room, the colors dancing on our faces. I always thought that I couldn't possibly fall more in love with her. The hopeless past me sits in her room thinking, how can someone love me when I find it hard to love myself?

What is it this 'love language' everyone speaks of? It is not something I understand, until your experience comes. We both stare into each other's eyes and feel safe. Her eyes convey a message as she studies the face she learned to value the most.

Natasha Romanoff & Scarlett Johansson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now