anything - sj.

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Another day on set. Filming the new Avengers movie after 2 years and doing stunts again, I forgot how tiring it all was.

Anthony, Lizzie, and I are with the others filming a fight scene. We were running around the vicinity, objects scattered around the ground because there were bombs going off for the scene. I ran and ducked when I was going through a path, trying not to hit my head.

As I continue to run and avoid people in the process, I chase the person who has the object the Avengers are trying to retrieve. I jump onto a long table, running to the end, and I jump.

Which was probably a wrong idea.

I hit the ground and felt my ankle twist. I squealed in pain, immediately retreating to the floor. I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to hold back the tears that are beginning to form because of the pain.

Everyone ran towards me as they heard me squeal. With my back against the floor, I can see all of their faces. Robert hovering over me, asking me if I was okay. Everyone was asking me of my condition.

"I think I hurt my ankle," I say as I try to stand up. "I need to sit down." They help me up and place me on the table which I was on a few minutes ago before I went ankle breaking.

The medic was called and checked my foot, "Miss Johansson, you fractured your ankle."

I winced as I heard what they said. I seriously cannot be injured right now. I have a movie to film for God's sake!

"We gotta bring you to the hospital, Scar." Said Evans.

I groaned, "okay fine."

As we go to the hospital, I was seated in the backseat. Robert and Chris in the front. I don't even know why they're the ones to bring me to the hospital, but I'm not complaining.

We arrive at the Emergency Room and they place me on one of the vacant beds. I lay my head back because I was frustrated with myself. Should've been more careful.

The boys went to the cafeteria, I swear, they're always hungry. As I wait for someone to accommodate me, I ease my boredom by humming a tune of my favorite song. Soon enough after a few minutes, a doctor approached me.

"Hey, how did this happen?" The doctor asked, concern evident in her tone.

"I landed wrong while doing some stunts during filming." I replied.

The doctor hummed as she started working on your injury. She got a cast to secure my ankle and made sure to have no movement. After a few minutes of watching the doctor work on my foot, she finished applying the cast.

I looked up at her and smiled, "thank you, doctor."

She lowered her head and planted a sweet, lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Of course, anything for my wife."

I giggled and jutted my lips, trying to get a kiss from hers. She chuckled at my actions and leaned down, capturing my lips in a soft but passionate kiss.

As we pulled away, "Y/N! You're here!" Robert cheered.

"Well, I do work here, so yes." She retorted.

"Ha Ha, good one!" He said as he reached out for a hug, Chris did too.

"Care to tell me why my girl is sitting here, in the emergency room, of my hospital?" Y/N said as she arched an eyebrow at Robert and Chris.

"Uhm, well, we were filming a fight scene and I guess when she jumped from the table, she landed wrong." Chris explained, scared to anger the woman in front of him.

Her demeanor softened and hummed, "okay. Please do take her home, will you?"

"Of course." Robert replied.

Y/N turned to me, "I'll leave early today, okay hun? I'll see you at home."

"Okay, I love you." I said as I reached for another kiss.

"I love you more," She turned to the boys, "Now go, before I get my boss mad."

"But... aren't YOU the boss? And don't you own this fucking hospital?" Robert says confused as he flailed his arms, gesturing to the hospital.

Y/N pointed at me while she was looking at them, referring to me as her "boss." The three of us chuckled as Y/N started to walk away.

We waved to each other goodbye, as I turn around for the last time, I see her watching us walk away. She held up a 'rock & roll' sign and I followed suit, doing our subtle way of saying 'I love you' before we part ways.

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