last words - nr.

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Within the team, you are known to be 'the person who knows people's last words.' You just enjoyed knowing what other people said before their last breath. They're either sad or funny, sometimes in between. Sad like Jean-Paul Sartre, he turned to his partner saying, "I love you very much, my dear Beaver." Or funny like Louise-Marie-Thérèse de Saint Maurice saying, "A woman who can fart is not dead," after letting one rip.

With your knowledge, the team would occasionally ask you famous people's last words, and of course, you would answer it. But if you didn't know the answer, you would straight up search for it immediately. You got intrigued a lot with biographies of people and read it mostly for their last words.

But one day, 5 years after the disappearance of half of the population, you were just reading in your room. Another biography of a famous person, where you are yet to know their last words. The team told you to stay with Bruce, to apparently 'guard the compound.' You didn't complain, since it'll give you more time to read.

You said your I love you's with Natasha as she is going with the other members to retrieve the stones, so that the ones that are gone will be back again. The whole team was working on ways to get the others back, and this time, you know that it's going to work. What you don't know is, what's about to happen.

It's been a few minutes since the team left when Bruce called you to go to the atrium where the Time Heist machine is located. You abandoned the book in hand, walking quickly to where your other teammates are arriving. You were ecstatic to see them, and of course, your girlfriend, Natasha. But you were also excited to see if they got the stones and everything worked out.

Arriving at said destination, you were just in time as you saw the people you love appear on top of the platform.

"Did it work? Did we all get it?" You hear Rhodey shout while holding out the Power Stone.

You run up the stairs to check on everyone, and then everyone went silent. You saw Clint drop on his knees, the Soul Stone in hand. You looked around the circle of people, and you just noticed that the love of your life is nowhere to be found.

"Clint, where's Nat?" You asked, voice almost above a whisper.

Clint was just looking everywhere but the people around him. You suddenly stood up straighter if possible, having an idea of what happened. It makes sense, Nebula said Thanos brought Gamora to Vormir, only for Thanos to come back alone.

Natasha was killed? Natasha sacrificed herself. Natasha's gone.

Your mouth flew open as you tried to muster up words, but instead, nothing came out. Only your heartbreaking sobs, gaining the attention of your friends. They tried to approach you but you immediately ran, towards what? You have no idea, but to wherever your feet is taking you.

You found yourself on the compound's rooftop. Where you and Natasha spent your time reading together, or just gazing at the stars. It is too possible for Natasha to sacrifice for herself. She would do anything—just anything—to clear her ledger.

After minutes of crying at the rooftop, you finally went down to your room, avoiding your teammates as you wanted to be alone. Grabbing the book you were reading moments ago, you started reading through the page. And in the next paragraph you read, it wrote the last words of the person in the biography.

As you got the list of people's last words and wrote the one you just highlighted in the book, you suddenly stopped writing. You thought, you've seen, heard, and read almost every famous person's last words. You can see it on your list. But what you can never fathom was how you know so many last words but you will never know Natasha's.

— <3
based on john green's looking for alaska.
i love this book so much i cried and it got me into a reading slump 😭

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