all i want - nr.

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"Okay, is this filming? Oh hi!!"

You set up your camera on the windowsill as your girlfriend was standing with your phone in hand, watching the TikTok dance playing over and over again.

You and Natasha were trying to learn a TikTok dance to do and now you were watching as Addison Rae danced to 'Savage' by Megan thee Stallion.

"Okay, okay, let's do it!!!" You squealed as you grabbed your phone from Natasha and set it beside your camera.

"This must be worth it." Natasha chuckled as she readies herself. She really didn't want to do this in the first place, but when she saw how badly you wanted to do it with HER, how could she say no?

"Ready?" You said as you pressed the timer. "Yay okay here we go!" You ran to your girlfriend's side, a big smile on your face.

As the music started playing, you both did the steps wonderfully. Not until it came to the 'nasty' part where you had to throw it back, as what they call it. You turned to the wrong direction. You both planned on going on the left than the right.

"Y/N, you did it wrong!!!"

"What?! Oh right, I was supposed to go that direction!" You said pointing to your left.

You attempted to try for a second time. Then a third, then a fifth, then a seventh.

In every take, there was always someone messing up the choreography.

"Nat you're supposed to do it like this! Not like thaaaat!!" You showed her the right way to do the woah, mimicking her way of doing so.

"Nu-uh, look at her! Look what she's doing. See??? Seeeeeee??!!!" She pointed at your phone screen where Addison Rae was still going at it.

"You're a horrible dancer." You deadpanned as you playfully pushed her shoulder.

"Says you." She says pouting and furrowing her eyebrows.

"Am not!!!"

"Y/N's a horrible danceeerr!!" She said in a sing-song manner, sticking her tongue out.

"Oh you wanna play it that game?" You smirked and slowly went to her and started tickling her sides. This went on for a few minutes until Natasha couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, okay!! I yield!!!" She put her arms up, panting.

"Hmm, I'm better than you," you said as she got up and kissed you, soft.

"I think that's enough for now," she said as she went up to your camera. "Bye bye now." Natasha put out the camera in arms length so it can film you both.

"Bye!!!" You said as you attempted to kiss Natasha's cheek as the video stopped.


You were now in the quinjent with the other Avengers on the way to the location of your mission. You were filming everyone as you wait to arrive and it was pretty normal of you to film everything in your life.

"So, here are the world's mightiest heroes," you said as you pan the camera to your friends, showing them doing their before-mission rituals. "We have America's ass over there, tin can, green bean, Katniss Everdeen, the twins, bird boy, James, and of course my baby."

"Really Y/N, Katniss Everdeen??" Clint remarked.

"Yeah shut up."

"Anyways, we're going to a mission toooo... Budepest!" You said as you turned your camera towards you, so you were filming yourself. "It's just a routine Hydra retrieval mission so I hope nothing bad happens."

You turn the camera again to your teammates, panning it once more, and landing on Natasha. You smirked as you zoomed into her face, the sun rays shining on her face making her glow. She must've noticed the camera is facing her as she called your name.

"Y/N," she said as she looked up to your camera. You immediately put your camera down but a few moments later you bring it up again and filmed Natasha. She was still looking at the camera, "stop it."



"Never, you're beautiful." You said and you swore you saw her blush at your words. She looked so stunning under the faint light of the sun scattered through the quinjet, her beautiful hair turning into fire as her red hair mixed with the yellow of the sun.

"I love you," you mouthed to her behind the camera. She smiled softly at you, the camera still pointed at her.

"I love you, too." She mouthed back as she tried to stop the big smile creeping on her lips. She can't express the love that she has for you and how she's so thankful to have you as her girlfriend. You really are Natasha's love of her life.

You lightly chuckled as you pouted at her, a gesture of a kiss. She scrunched her nose at you and smiled, her cheeks rosy as she did so.


The video ended and stopped on a frame, Natasha smiling widely at you as the sun rays shone above her. Her rosy cheeks evident and the love in her eyes spoke a lot to you.

It's been hard without her and all you wanted was nothing more than to hear her knocking at your door. Because you thought, that if somehow you saw her face once more, you could die a happy person and would not ask for more.

The day she said goodbye took every fiber of your being to not follow her into the afterlife. When she died, you died a lot more inside. Every day, every night, you lay in your bed in tears wishing she would just hold you and tell you everything is alright.

Sometimes you can't help but wonder, that if she loved you, why did she leave you?

Natasha brought out the best in you that you thought you'd never see that version of yourself. But she made it possible, she made you into the person you are today. Away from HYDRA, away from all the red on your ledger.

She thought differently for herself.

Natasha thought it was still there, the red in her ledger. Little did she know it was already clean the moment she decided to turn away from her past.

She did save you from herself and helped you become the better version of yourself. Natasha also accepted help from you, but she knew within herself that she won't forgive and consider herself clean unless she does it herself.

And she did.

Natasha sacrificed herself for a world who didn't even love her and it cost you your world. My lifeline.

"That damn ledger." You whispered to yourself as you looked one last time at the screen, showing your Natasha. Sighing, you close your laptop and spent another night laying in tears.

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