married life - nr.

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flashbacks are in italics

"You may now kiss." The priest said as we are now bonded as one.

You lifted Natasha's veil as you both leaned in for a sweet, lingering kiss.

As you both pulled away, the cheers of people booming, but it was muffled. You were lost in the emerald eyes of the love of your life.

She was now your wife.


"Babe stop it!!!" Natasha squealed as you picked her up and span her around.

You let go of her and she sat on the counter as you opened the refrigerator. It was dark, only the refrigerator light was beaming through the room.

You hear Natasha playing the song 'Lover' by Taylor Swift. The song that played during your first dance as a married couple.

You turned around grinning widely as you offered your hand to your wife, now for a year.

She took your hand and hopped off the counter. You both danced around in the kitchen, just the soft, warm light giving that right lighting for that moment.

As the song ends, you pulled her closer, and she leaned her head on the crook of your neck. Taking in this moment both of you will forever remember.


You woke up with a fat headache. Everything's spinning and you just can't get up from bed. You groaned as you opened your eyes but was immediately blinded by the light coming from the outside.

You rolled over and you felt your wife was no longer in bed. You groaned even more, needing Natasha's warmth.

You closed your eyes to try and ease the pounding headache, when the door opened. Revealing your gorgeous redhead.

"Hey honey," she greeted you as she sat on her side of the bed. "You okay?"

You didn't answer. "Y/N," she said with a stern voice.

"Mhmm, yeah." You answered with a raspy voice.

Natasha noticed so she put her hand against your forehead. You were hot. "Moya lyubov, you're sick." She stated as she caressed your cheek.

She took care of you that day, and the following days that you were sick. Natasha wouldn't even let you get up from bed, that's how strict and protective she was when it came to you.

You couldn't be more thankful to have her.


You were making dinner in the kitchen, one of you & Natasha's favorite songs playing on your phone, 'We'll Meet Again' by Vera Lynn.

You sang along as you mixed the crab and corn soup you were making. One of Natasha's favorites.

As you cooked and sang, you felt a couple of arms snake through your waist, hugging you tight.

"Hi," you said with a big smile. "Hey." She greeted back as she kissed your cheek.

You both stayed there for a moment. Swaying with the music, humming with the tune. "...but I know we'll meet again.." You sang along, "some sunny daayyy.." She continued, singing along too. You were both content with just being with each other.

"I love you," She started. You smiled sweetly, turning around to face your wife of 3 years.

"And I love you more."


You checked all of your belongings as you get ready to go out. "Juliet roses, a teddy bear, and chocolates. Okay, ready to go."

As you arrived, you walked through the pathway, cherry blossom flowers spread though the way.

You come to the one tree you and your wife absolutely loved. A cherry blossom tree. Under that, lies the love of your life's headstone.

It was surrounded by flowers, gifts, photos, and other memorabilia. It reads:

Natasha Romanoff: Daughter, Sister, Wife, Avenger.

You tidied the gifts around your wife's tombstone, straightening a teddy bear.

Grief pauses you. You went to the side and rub the tombstone, leaning against it, taking a moment.

You sit up, taking a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.

"But I know.. we'll meet again.." You whispered as you sang. Having no one to sing to, and no one to sing back to you.

"...some sunny day."

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