different lives - nr.

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They were just two people, living different lives, but looking at the same stars.

As another day concludes in the city that never sleeps, people never really thought about how in sync they actually are. For instance, you'll never know when you and your favorite celebrity are on the loo at the same time. In this case, two grown adults who have yet to find their forever, are sitting on the rooftops of their respective homes.

Natasha Romanoff, former assassin, and Avenger. Never really thought deep about her love life until now. She was taught growing up that love was for children, and she was so naive to believe that back then. Natasha never really had an interesting life besides the aliens, Gods, and weird creatures that she has encountered in her life. So now, all she's doing is sitting on the porch swing on the rooftop of the compound.

On the other hand, Y/N Y/LN, a chef, and businesswoman. Is a hopeless romantic trying to end her love story on a good note. She has learned from her past relationships, and now she wasn't so naive to believe in love. Y/N has always got something going on in her life with her businesses, but at the end of the day, she's all alone. So now, all she's doing is sitting at the edge of her apartment's rooftop with a beer accompanying her.

The next days were repetitive; waking up, doing work, going home. Although in the next week, the cycle breaks. Natasha decided to roam around the city, maybe getting some coffee too. It was Y/N's weekly visit to one of her businesses.

As Natasha entered the café, she spots a pretty lady sitting on one of the tables, typing away on her laptop. She then orders her drink and sits down at the table beside the woman. Natasha takes in the calming ambiance but got interrupted as she got called to get her drink and her pastry. As she's about to reach her table and sit, she accidentally hits the table of the woman with her hip, causing the lady's table to jerk and her drink to spill on the table.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry!" Natasha exclaimed as she immediately gets some tissue and wipe the table.

"It's okay," the woman says, raising her hand to call for an employee to clean the table for her. Natasha was still panicking, "hey, it's okay, see?" She points out as the employee wipes the table. "Thank you, Steve."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hit your table." Natasha once again apologizes.

"It's all good..."


"Natasha," the woman smiles, "that's a wonderful name. I'm Y/N."

"Thank you, Y/N."

"So, you come here often?" Y/N says as she raises her hand again to call for an employee.

"It's actually my first time here, decided to see the city and relax." As she talks, the same boy comes to the table and Y/N gestures to her cup that's now a quarter empty because of the little accident. The boy nods his head and left the table.

"How do you find the coffee? And the Danish?"

"It's really great, the coffee's just how I like it." Y/N hums as another cup of coffee is now placed on her table. "How about you, do you come here often?"

"I come here once a week," She takes a sip of her coffee. "I'm pretty busy so I don't have the time to visit."

As Natasha was about to speak, they get interrupted by Y/N's phone.

"Ah, duty calls. I'll see you soon, Natasha." She says as she tidies up her laptop and table. "That was a really fun conversation, do you mind if I get your number?"

Now to say that Natasha was shocked was an understatement. She didn't expect for this woman to be interested in her, but after all, the universe is many things.

"Uhm, yeah, sure."

After that interaction, they were inseparable. Well, through text at least. They are yet to meet again since that encounter at the café but they were texting non-stop. Weeks have passed and they have planned on having dinner at one of Y/N's restaurants. During their text conversations, they have talked about their work and of course, that included Natasha's superhero duties and Y/N's many businesses.

They had a conversation about Natasha's life as an Avenger, how she's glad that she has people that treat her as family despite of her past. Y/N also talked about her background, how she pursued her career despite all the doubts and hardships she experienced.

Soon enough, the day turned into night. It was moonlight, the moon shines in all around just as the sun does. They headed to Central Park to have a peaceful walk. After minutes of walking, they laid down the grass.

"I have fun when I'm with you." Y/N blurted out.

"Yeah?" Natasha turned her head to face the woman beside her. "I have fun when I'm with you too."

After that exchange, they succumbed to a comfortable silence. But a few minutes after, Natasha spoke up.

"Stars carry memories."

It was now Y/N's turn to look at Natasha, "what?"

"Stars carry memories. When the time comes and we're just reminiscing, the stars will remember this moment. But not us." Natasha pauses, "but when we look at the stars up above, then we'll remember."

"I like that. I didn't know you were poetic." Y/N teased Natasha.

"Shut up!" Natasha laughed as she playfully pushed Y/N.

"Be my girlfriend."

"What?" Natasha asked, winded.

"I know it's fast, it's only been our first date, but I really like you, Natasha."

"I like you too. I really like you, Y/N."

Y/N's nervous smile turned into a joyful one as she heard Natasha's response. She couldn't be more happier. They went home that night all giddy and in love. Who knew two naive people who believed love is childish and a hopeless romantic would have found what they were looking for.

Natasha and Y/N eventually lived together as they reached their 6 month anniversary. They love each other so much to the point they know each other like the back of their hands. Both discovered their routines of going to the rooftop of their respective homes so they clashed that routine and went up the rooftop of Y/N's home to watch the stars.

It was like any other day, they were at the rooftop. Beers beside them and the stars atop. Natasha looked at the woman lying beside her, and for a moment, the world stood still. Never would she think that someday, she will experience this kind of love. Hell, for years she told herself that she has no place in this world. But with Y/N, she felt like she belonged. Belonged in this world, with her.

She saw Y/N blink a couple of times, rubbing her eyes as she tried to keep awake. Natasha thought, 'how can this woman be the most beautiful lady yet at the same time, can exude the innocence of a child?'

Many years have gone by and they were still themselves. Natasha was now deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D and Y/N's businesses just kept on growing. Both were striving in their line of work, being well known for what they do.

As the sun comes down and another day comes to an end in the city that never sleeps, Natasha came back from work, doing her nightly rituals. As she finished freshening up, she went up the rooftop. For the past years, she sat by the edge. But now, it's different.

Natasha was back, sitting on the porch swing on the rooftop of the compound.

Just a few miles away, Y/N was sitting on the edge of her apartment's rooftop. With her beer accompanying her and no one else.

Despite the amount of years they spent with each other, it always wasn't enough. Especially for Natasha. Y/N was young, so you'd never thought she would end up forgetting. But she did. One day Natasha woke up and Y/N didn't recognize her anymore, let alone remember—so much for trying to end your love story on a good note.

For two grown adults who have once yet to find their forever, maybe stars do carry memories. And the time did come for Natasha to reminisce, and as she looked up the stars, she did remember. But for Y/N, the stars were the only ones that remembered.

People never really thought about how in sync they actually are. And for Natasha and Y/N, they were just two people, living different lives, but looking at the same stars.

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