sweet nothing - sj.

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Scarlett came home from work tired. She spent all day at the office of The Outset, currently working on a new product and also trying to figure out international shipping. It was all so stressful but she needed not to break down, or else everything will be ruined.

She dropped her bag on the couch and immediately went to find you, needing your comfort more than ever.

Scarlett found you in the kitchen, humming along with the soft music playing in the background. She smiled to herself, happy to finally be home and be with you, her rock.

You were lost in the music and the cooking that you didn't even hear Scarlett arrive home. So you jumped when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you.

"Oh, God! Scar, you gave me a fright!" You chuckled as you put your hand on your chest.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you," Scarlett said as she buried her face in the crook of your neck.

You felt her hot breath against your skin, sighing as you inhaled her scent that you missed the whole day.

"How was your day?" You asked, sensing that she was tired.

"Okay." You tilted your head at her, asking her to give you more than an 'okay.'

Scarlett sighed, starting to feel emotional because of the day she had. "I don't know, I just... Today was so exhausting. There's so much pressure, with perfecting this new product and figuring out international shipping. I don't want to disappoint the customers or even my fans, and they expect me to do well and more with this and I just— I'm just too soft for all of it."

"Oh, baby," you cooed as you brought her in for a big, comforting, bear hug. You pulled halfway some moments later and cupped her cheeks. "I am so proud of you. I know you feel all the eyes around you, waiting for your next move, and it feels very suffocating. But Scar, you always have me to come home to, where it's quiet. I want nothing else from you other than your happiness. I am so so so proud of you for doing your best. You are doing more than enough, baby. You don't have to push yourself so hard to meet people's wants and expectations. What you have and do is enough, okay?"

She sniffled, feeling so overwhelmed by the love and care you are giving her. You always knew what to say, and the way you said it with such gentleness was enough to make Scarlett's heart swell.

"I love you," she said as she looked deep into your eyes.

"I love you, Scar."

She looked around the kitchen to see what you were cooking, but then her eyes landed on something; a pebble.

"Hey, is that?..." You looked behind you to see the pebble you found earlier.

"Oh yeah," you said as you got it from the kitchen counter. "I found it deep inside my pocket earlier. Isn't it neat?"

"It is. I can't believe you still have it, I kinda miss our trip."

"Me too. Do you think... Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes?" You questioned, as you both looked at the pebble on your hand, the size of it just tiny as a firefly.

"I guess so. I'm still glad we have it, just a reminder of where we went to." Scarlett said as she leaned her head on your shoulder.

Both of you stayed in the silence for a few seconds, just cherishing the peaceful and quiet you both were having. You were instantly reminded of the meal you were cooking though, making you pull away from the hug and opening the pot to continue your cooking.

When you saw it was done, you told Scarlett to wait at the table. "Food is done, I'll bring it out in a bit, you go wait at the table, darling."

"Okay, I love you." She said as she reached up to kiss you.

"I love you." You replied, going back to humming a tune as you prepare you and Scarlett's dinner.


oh wow, would you look at that, i'm back from the dead! guys i swear im alive, school has just been a complete mess i didn't have any energy or time to write something. i actually had a wandanat chapter pending, but i couldn't write it further. maybe i'll publish that next.

bare w me pls honest to god i will start being active again when school is finished. which will be by june so, rip me xx

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