happiness after you, happiness because of you - nr.

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"Hey Y/N/N! I need help please!!" Natasha bellowed for me.

"Yes, sweetie?" I peeked my head at the door to look at her.

"Can you make me something? I'm hungry." She pouted which I couldn't say no to.

"Of course. I'll be back in a bit." I smiled at her and started my way to the kitchen.

A while later after you left, Wanda knocked on Natasha's door.

"Hey Nat? Did you call for Y/N/N?" She questioned the girl sitting on the bed, reading.

"Yeah, I asked for her to make me some food, why?" Nat asked, confusion evident on her face.

Wanda sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, facing Natasha. "Tasha, Y/N died 2 years ago."

Natasha was taken aback. How is it possible for her to see and feel you when you're already dead? "No she isn't, I can feel her. I can talk to her!" Natasha said, tears forming in her eyes.

"It's okay, you're okay." Wanda comforted you.

"Now I sound like a psycho, I'm sorry." Natasha softly said.


While Natasha was left alone, her train of thoughts were interrupted, "what's on your mind, love?" You asked.

"How can I see you? Talk to you? Even touch you?" She said, turning behind her, looking at you with a questioning look.

"Well, it's because you haven't moved on." You simply answered her question.

"But it's been 2 years.." She said trailing off, you went to sit down next to her.

"It's been 2 years, I know, but you're still in the process of healing. Once you move on, made yourself better, I'll just be a memory. You can ask Wanda, I was with her too but then she found Vision." I smiled, explaining the answer to her question.

"You know I can't move on. I only want you."

"I know, but I also know that you're capable of mending." There was a short silence between us, "who do you think got rid of the blades and pills? It isn't your time yet, babe. You have so much to live for!"

"So what are you, like, my angel?"

"You can call it that," I smiled, making both of us giggle at ourselves. "A lot of people here love you, Natasha. You just need to know that you're not alone."

She came to me and buried her head on the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her, stroking her hair gently.

"Who knows, maybe you won't find anyone," I tell her chuckling. "That's great to know, Y/N. Really great." She sarcastically said, getting out of my grip.

"Kidding aside, I know you'll find someone who will love you just as much as I did. Maybe even more." I raised my eyebrow, gaining a small smirk from her.

"I struggle to love, you know that."

"Mhmm, but I also know that you trust to love. One day, we'll be together, and when we are, we can have the life we were so close to living." I smiled softly at her, kissing her hand and pulling away.


Months have passed and you see Natasha and Maria—one of the SHIELD agents— growing closer together. You haven't really interacted much when you were still alive, and now they're spending more time together.

It was now the night Maria asked Natasha to be her girlfriend. They were now in Nat's room, getting ready for bed. Nat sat at the edge of her bed by the nightstand, getting the picture of you and her the day you asked her to be yours.

Maria wrapped her arms around Nat's neck from behind, Natasha leaning her head on Maria.

I could feel myself fading away, and I couldn't be happier. For it meant that she had finally moved on. She was loved. And even if it wasn't by me, that was all that mattered.

"She would have loved you," Natasha whispered to her now girlfriend, Maria.

My beautiful girl, of course I would have. Didn't you know I sent her just for you?

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