if anything happens.. - nr.

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The year 2023. It's been 5 long years since half of the universe disappeared, since everything crumbled into pieces.

All of the remaining Avengers gather in the living quarters, discussing a plan of action. Tony has just figured out how to do time travel. He asked FRIDAY for an inverted simulation of a Möbius strip model, and after a few seconds of rendering, the image clicked. Paving the way for him to crack the technology of the time travel wrist bands, which is now being tried on by Clint.

After seconds of dead silence, Clint came back, landing hard on the platform beneath him. You, Natasha, and the others came rushing to his aid.

"Hey, hey, look at me. You okay?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah," he looked around the room. "It worked." He said as he patted the baseball glove that he got, on Nat's chest.

You all smile as you hear what Clint said. We actually might have a chance in accomplishing this.

The next hours, you all planned on how you guys are going to get the stone. You discussed the whereabouts of the stone and what does it do, making it somehow easier for you all to understand.

You, Tony, and Nat were laying on the office table, papers of notes and files scattered around you. The three of you were debating where Doctor Strange lived, seeing as he was the keeper of the time stone.

"That time stone guy, what kind of doctor was he?" Nat asked.

"Ear/nose/throat meets rabbit-from-hat." Tony retorted.

"Nice place in the village though." You said as you wiped your glasses.

"Yeah on Sullivan Street?" Tony said unsure.

"Hmmm, Bleecker." You muttered, unsure too.

"Wait, he lived in New York?" Nat asked again as she stopped her fidgeting on her pen.

"No, he lived in Toronto.. Have you been listening to anything?" "Uh, yeah, on Bleecker and Sullivan!!" You and Tony said in chorus.

"Guys, if you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York." Natasha concluded.

The room fell silent as both you and Tony came into realization.

"Shut the front door."

After planning, and planning, and more planning, you finally came up with a plan. There are 3 groups assigned to get the stones. Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Scott are on to get the time, space, and mind stone in New York. Thor and Rocket are going to Asgard to retrieve the reality stone. You and Rhodey are going to get the power stone. And lastly, Clint and Nat are on to retrieve the soul stone in Morag and Vormir, respectively.

You all take a rest for a hectic day ahead. Doing this and being successful at it will not only bring everyone back, but it will change everyone's lives for the better.

As you and Natasha get in bed, you laid down face to face with each other. You only stared at one other's eyes, getting lost in it.

"If anything happens.. I love you." You were broken off of your trance with Natasha's words.

"Nothing will, and I love you too."

It was now the next day, everyone's veins were filled with anxiety, excitement, and caffeine. You've been working this out for days and now you're finally executing it, everything should be perfect.

The Avengers were all walking down the path that leads to the platform that will take you all to the Quantum Realm. Bruce was now pressing and pulling all the buttons and levers that are needed in order for this to work. Trying to avoid what happened with Scott when you were still trying to figure everything out.

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