say something - nr.

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tw nat's death ig 😩

Have you ever thought, for just a moment; that someone out there with memories of you cry themselves to sleep under the moonlight just because they miss you.

Every tear that falls.

Every breath that sobs.

Every time they hear your name, they die a little more every time.

Look in the mirror, do it! What do you see? A blessing? A curse? Your eyes have their own judgement; But past where your eyes can see, lies me; you are my hope, my joy, my everything.

I miss you.

I love you.

Every misplaced hair.

Every scar that plagues you.

I love you, more than I knew I ever could.

Come back to me if you would.

Come and see me if you could.

There is the what ifs. There is the could've been's. But what about the right now's?

What about us?

Say something, I love you. I don't want to give up.

My mind says forget; And my heart sobs a "no"

"Look at me," she whispers. "Let me go."

"Please— please, no."

"It's okay.." Her voice, tremulous.

"I— I love you."

Have you ever though that someone sacrificed themselves for the world that didn't love them. And the worst part is, they are still breathing.

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