Chapter 2.

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Waking up the next morning for Davina was a little hard, she'd apperated long distance after hearing about the order and the best way she could describe it was a laggy feeling, after talking to Hermione about it she told her it's what muggles call jetlag after flying from one country to another on a flying vehicle called an airplane, her father was very fascinated to hear about that.

Now Sirius was oddly happy to wake up this morning, he hasn't felt this happy waking up since James and Lily was alive, he had a feeling it was something to do with the beautiful red head living in his house, which by the way has felt less dark and dreary since her arrival, he doesn't know if it's only him that feels it or everyone but he feels a little less depressed living here, it makes him want to get to know her more and keep her around for as long as he can.

Sirius took it upon himself to have Davina put in a room across from him, so as they both woke up and left the room they did so at the same time and happened to run into eachother, much to both of their happiness.

"Hello love" Came the sexy voice she can't get enough of.

"Sirius, darling, how are you this morning?" She asked with a sweet smile that made his knees a little weak, and the endearment didn't help either.

"Well now I've seen you I'm happy, it's that smile, it lights up the room I tell you" He obviously meant it as a joke but he meant every word.

"Well you keep giving me a reason to smile Sirius" Also meant as joke but she too meant it.

"Alright Davina let's go get breakfast before you make my knees give out on me" Sirius laughed, and she wanted to hear it all day.

They walked into the kitchen to find Molly cooking breakfast with the help of magic, plates of all different types of food flying around the room to the dinning table. Davina was quite surprised that Ron wasn't awake yet, the smell would normally wake him in an instant and he'd come barreling down the stairs like he's never fed a day in his bloody life.

"Do you want me to see if Ron's alive mum, a smell like this would normally have him down he-" Just as Davina started her joke everyone's eyes widened and they faced the kitchen door as they heard what could only be described as a baby elephant coming down the stairs.

Ron came in seconds later looking hungrier than a starving lion "Bloody hell Ron you can't seriously be that hungry" she exclaimed.

"Oh leave him be Davina he's a growing boy" Molly chastised although the look she gave didn't indicate she was in any trouble.

"Mum! He nearly knocked me and Sirius off our feet, he acts like he's not fed" Davina whined.

"Oi Vina, did I say I missed you? Cause I'm starting to wish you wasn't here" Ron grumbled.

"Oh ha ha, bet Sirius would miss me if I was gone for years now he's met me" she glared at her brother then turned to smile at said man "Right Sirius?" She asked innocently, but he knew her intentions, so he decided to play along.

"Course love, couldn't live without your presence now I've met you" He joked, slinging his arm lazily around her shoulders, an action that sent both their hearts into overdrive, if only she knew the truth behind his words.

"See, Sirius likes me" She said with a smug smile, if only she knew.

"Course he does, he's only just met you, give a week and he'll be sick of ya" Ron fired back.

She glowered at him, oh you little shit she thought "Don't worry love, I find your presence quite lovely" Sirius whispered in her ear, causing her to blush. She just smiled at him as he pulled her chair out for her to sit and sat himself.

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