Chapter 21

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2 weeks, just 2 weeks and Davina Weasley with be Davina Black. Hermione really outdid herself on this, they were no where near the deadline and she had everything set up and when she did she set a date for 27th July, the children have just broke up for the summer holidays and Harry is happily living with Davina and Sirius, he felt safe. Hermione came often to help with wedding planning along with Molly, Ginny, and Dora and just 3 weeks ago they had finished, all that needed to be done is to go for the final dress fitting, and the men needed to pick their suits up, then in 2 weeks they can finally get married.

"So Hermione, I've been meaning to ask, you've been getting a lot of letters as of late, who are they from?" Davina asked.

"No body" she answered with a blush.

"Honey, I won't judge you" she assured placing a hand softly on hers.

"If Ron hears he'll go mad" she whispered.

"Ron's out getting his suit for the wedding" she retaliated.

"Draco" she simply answered.

"And how is he being with you?" Davina asked.

"That's the thing, he's being absolutely lovely with me, he's nice and he compliments me every chance he gets, he pulled me aside on the last day of school and told me he'd write to me, but if I choose to right back, do it on a Tuesday so his father didn't get the letters first, then when I asked if he was ashamed to be my friend, he told me- he said his father beats him Davina, did you know that" she whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

"Yes, his father can't even know he's friends with me Mione" she paused contemplating on telling her the truth "I'm about to tell you something so sick about Lucius that you'll understand even more why Draco doesn't want anyone to know about you" she mumbled looking down "while he held me prisoner, it started off normal, mocking me and torturing me-"

"Davina please, you don't have to tell me" Hermione whispered.

"No, you need to understand Draco's reasons for keeping your friendship a secret, anyway, after a while he stopped torturing me and stating being a little nicer and feeding me, I would rather he tortured me than have him do what he did to me" Davina said with tears in her eyes, she looked up at her son's friend and she clearly knew that it was he did "Draco's protecting you Hermione" she whispered.

"Oh my god, does Draco know this?" She asked.

"No, and I don't want him to, if he finds out it's going to be from me so please don't say anything" Davina begged.

"I won't" she mumbled and squeezed her hand.

"But please tell me what you talk about?" She asked wanting to get her mind off the past.

"He tells me everything, Davina, he thinks he's going to have to become a death eater" Hermione's voice trembled.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"He told me his father's been acting weird since Voldemort came back, he's been talking to Draco about it a lot telling him he's going to have to prepare, he doesn't exactly know what for but he's got a rough idea" she explained "and the worst part is, he'll have no choice" she whispered.

"Oh hon, if he's forced to become a death eater, he's going to need you, go write to him now, tell him you're there for him" Davina ordered.

And so she did, she got up and walked to Davina's bedroom to write a letter to Draco, all while Davina sat staring at the table with troubled eyes, she wasn't even paying attention to her surroundings as she didn't hear when the fireplace alerted her that Sirius was back, because when he put a hand on her shoulder, she jumped and turned to him, letting out a sigh "sorry darling I didn't hear you" she mumbled.

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