Chapter 10

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Hi, I'm really sorry, I've been stressing over Christmas and not had chance to update, I mean it's fucking hard shopping for an autistic child when everything is so expensive, and if you understand autism you understand you need sensory equipment, the best quality and that cost serious money.

Anyway, I'm kind of lost on this chapter but I'll try my best, ive got an Irish step dad so my family's been drinking everyday from Christmas eve till new year's for 25 years, my brains a little fuzzy and I've godda read over the last chapter to see where I can go from.


"Let me get this straight, you want me to stay away from Harry? Until he defeats Voldemort?" Davina questions to the older wizard.

"Yes" was his simple reply.

"Albus, we've just practically claimed eachother as mother and son how can you ask me that, he'll feel abandoned!" She exclaimed.

"He is not legally your son though is he" he countered.

"Oh" she breathed "you want him to feel abandoned, you think it will make him angry enough to fight" she mumbled.

"That is the only way he'll fight, he doesn't have enough fight in him when he feels loved" he explained.

"Oh and what of Sirius? Do you expect him to stay away too, because no one loves him more that Sirius" she growled.

"Everyone will have their part, remember, you are not legally his mother so you have no claim over him" he stated and walked out, all Davina could do was sit and cry.

"Who's ass do have have to kick?" A voice asked, she looked up and it was Sirius, he was trying to find amusement in the situation he had no idea of, he doesn't know what Dumbledore asked her to do.

"He's told me I'm not allowed to see him" she whispered "he said he's not legally my son so I have no claim over him" she mumbled, Sirius had no idea who asked that of her, but she knew they asked her not to see Harry.

"Who my love?" He whispered.

"Dumbledore" her voice cracked, Sirius was fuming.

"He can't seriously ask you to do that, why?" He asked.

"Because if he feels love he'll have no fight, if he feels abandoned he'll get stronger, he's been raising him to be a bloody soldier" she cried.

"And if you see him?" He asked.

"I don't know he didn't say, he said I have no legal claim over him so I'm guessing he can put me on azkaban" she explained.

"Then legally claim him" he stated like it was the most obvious.

"How? I don't know where to start" she whispered.

"You can start with the ministry" he said.

"You're a bloody genius" she whispered and kissed him hard "I love you" she said against his lips.

"I love you too" he whispered and with that she left for the ministry by floo, she walked through the halls of the ministry in the direction of the minister, hoping to get this done as fast as possible.

When she located the minister's office and after storming past the screaming secretary she knocked on his door, it took a while but she heard a faint 'enter' so she opened the door and saw Cornelius Fudge sat behind his desk.

"Ms Weasley? What can I do for you?" He asked in confusion obviously not expecting the red head to be there.

"I need to ask you something minister" she said as she stood at the door way not wanted to overstep her boundaries, as much as she disliked how he went about the Voldemort situation, she still respected him as the minister.

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